
It’s a shame. That Wendig’s writing style. Is completely unreadable.

Oh goodie! The most important event in the post Jedi timeline inside a shitty author’s book!

Have you read Bloodline yet?


What shatters my faith in humanity is that yes, there *are* people who would want to date and marry that sort of guy. If there weren't, fundamentalist Christians would have died off a very long time ago.

OP is simply in for a world of hurt. He’s home schooled, sheltered and comes from an fundamentalist background. His friend is free to roam the world, engage it and grow. He’s hanging onto antiquated ideals that don’t work well in the real world. Sex before marriage is a good idea. Many Christians make a big deal that

The first was kind of like The Force Awakens. It had a sugar high to it, because we were seeing the familiar in a new light. Then the sequel came along, and all the flaws in JJ Abrams’ first installment were magnified.

The first one had the benefit of the doubt, Into Darkness erased that doubt

The first two films were not just bad Star Trek films, they were bad pieces of cinema.