
The only reason you’d ‘upgrade’ to this is if you value portable battery life above the everything else involved with getting a new device over the old.

For USA customers, give it another month. If we don’t start hearing anything by early-to-mid July, then it’s not likely to get any presence here.

I recall hearing that it’s semi customizable. As in you don’t necessarily need to use it for Assistant; it could be used for taking photos with the Camera app.

I believe ASUS has said (perhaps unofficially since it wasn’t actually announced) that they’re going to do an official USA release in mid-to-late July. I’m on Verizon, so if they’re going to release a new model (unknown at this point), I hope they include Band 13 since Verizon already has 2, 4, and 5.

I thought it was obvious that Sony and MS aren’t talking about native 8K games but actually supporting the protocol that outputs an 8K signal to the TVs. For that matter, supporting 120 Hz is along the same lines. While that’s not to say that there won’t be 8K and 120 Hz games, it’ll be similar to today with the One X

This. It really seems like they’re getting closer to the idea of the Xbox being a cheap, custom, and gaming-centered PC that punches above its weight.

As such, good times will now be had by all. (:

“Computer: Enhance. Enhance. Enhance.”

Noteworthy that, at the moment, it’s practically worthless. Oh? It helps with shadows and reflections? Great. Now halving your fps produces something that’s barely noticeable.

I was very underwhelmed by Vega. This is Vega, but at a smaller process node. In a similar fashion to first Vega being at most 1080 level, second Vega is looking to be at most 2080 level.

I’m waiting for Navi to upgrade my Radeon R9 Nano.

“Even in a game as ostensibly inclusive as Overwatch, a woman can’t just be ‘a player’—not without ample infrastructural support from an understanding team—and Ellie’s situation exemplifies why.”

Except she can be. The problem isn’t that she isn’t allowed to play; it’s that she (and other women) are facing an ‘uphill

Last gen, it was sort of understandable; Sony didn’t charge for online services while MS did.

I hope those motion controls are implemented with the portable modes in the future!

Not if they discriminated between the versions; it’s not impossible.

Because having different servers would make crossplay impossible?

The logic of some people...

It’s not just Japan; there are plenty of people around the world that prefer physical media over digital. Even if those numbers are shrinking, those people do exist.

*stares into space, rocking back and forth in line*
“You’re a kid... You’re a squid... You’re a...”

I’d like to note that there were impediments to Vita’s success that ultimately led to its fall. Namely, the price and *expensive* proprietary memory formats.

I’d like to note: it’s how most people buy their electronics. Case in point: iPhone. The only way people get specs before launch is through leaks and after launch is through tear-downs. Apple says the SOC name but doesn’t go into the nitty gritty about them. Hell, Apple doesn’t even get into how much RAM the things

Your mentioning of old interfaces reminds me of Warcraft 2 Edition; a version with an updated interface and overhauled netcode. I wonder why they don’t put a small amount of effort to do the same to bring those games up to today’s standard and re-release them for $5-$10. I’d buy them again!