
But nobody said the "The care revolution is here" in 1900" did they?

Haha, nice one. Except there's still over a BILLION PCs in the world : )

What?? Where are the stats saying they're only ipads and kindles Jamie? Where's the chart?

I dunno, more or less the same tone that the dear late Steve would use when *announcing* new products.

Pretty negative article here.

Wow Anon, you are being so productive with your revenge. : ) You have accomplished a lot and that means the world to me.

Catan is pretty awesome, play it fairly often. I prefer the expansion of Barbarians to keep more more involved. My only complaint is that you can't win when its not your turn, which can be an eternity when up to 5 other players can win before your turn again.

Well, its a big world out there.

What gives you the perception from this article that MS is "scared"?

Really? Are they in the double-digit marketshare yet?

Luckily it wasn't MS who stated that.

Hmm... I knew I've seen them somewhere before.

Here's the thing, 3G speeds are decent, they're not inconvenient. 4G speeds for some other people are "the bar", getting stuff faster, less ping, etc... Progression in this pace seems weak to me, it would be as though WD selling 2TB 5200RPM hard drives, whereas there is 7200RPM and SSD. The "cap" on these "super

Here's an idea for a new design. Wireless headphones, possibly via bluetooth. You have a small 3.5mm jack with very small "body" attached to it, that's it, plug that in and you can listen to whatever. I dunno, I'm just looking for some wireless headphones.

I'm sure that's the bit that's going to be debated "negate competition", this is simply about one company (or many in this case) taking other companie's workers. I hardly see how this is "negating competition", or anything else illegal. Not an expert in law, but this sounds dumb.

Wait, agreements between companies are illegal?

Holy crap, that's abusing power. I don't think ANYONE would want to be limited to selling their books solely on the apple ibook platform. There need to be some big red flags raised for all authors out there. This almost smells like bait-and-switch.

Nice, sounds like fun. Would love to seen a video of their daily routine.

I'm just imagining when stuff falls over its usually on an angle, and if that were to happen what would the result to be? Not to mention would it move the desk?

lol, anonymous thinks they're important. "Attention Attention! I want Attention!!!"