
and trying to stop speculations which are opinions and protected by the first ammendment.

thanks, I went to wiki and see little the same on the show.

so Quincanno was in the group that killed Jesses dad or who, comic people fess up, please

Adolf was in a castle, but it wasnt THE castle, he isnt the man.

was this when he went crashing to the ground?

Maybe that is why Lucas is screaming at the end of the promo.

Thanks, I finally found a recap that mentioned he played Bunker. He looked so familiar and like you said it was from soaps when he had long hair.

Who is the actor playing the ex white supremacist wanting to join the force? Next week he defends the station and yet I cant find him listed in the cast.

They use it in Deadwood as well.

I’m a very compromise person. I do not control freak.

Sutter is one insecure guy at heart, if you realize that he isnt so bad. He responds to fans who kiss his ass and tell him he's so great everyday, if you say anything other, he will block you on twitter in a heartbeat. One thing that pisses me off is that he never has acknowleged Zach Handlen support of the show

Zach you still are my fave read after the show, since season 1 you have been telling it like it is.
Surprisingly Clay does give a nice speech, he is a devil in leather, maybe he will be the one to oppose Hale in the next Mayoral election.

I can hardly wait to hear that accent from some Eastern Block country squeezed through France and Cleveland, that's sexy.