
this is the biggest question I have. I am also curious how comfy it is/isn't for someone over 6 feet tall, especially compared to the previous gen hatch which I also would be very interested in.

it’s a sculpture near one of the turns, here’s another shot

No it doesn’t, actually. This car looks fucking atrocious and no amount of verbal gymnastics can convince me otherwise. Every single proportion is off and no part fits with the one next to it. BMW hasn’t had a good design language in years, nothing tells me outside of the split grille that this car is a BMW. The whole

Last summer I found myself with a good $7k saved up on the shelf, thanks to a combo of hella tips from delivering food in the big city and workers comp checks from a knee surgery. It’s the most money I have ever had at one time.

Y’know what I was shopping? $7k Ford Rangers, and I damn near pulled the trigger on a

I can’t believe I haven’t seen a single Bland National pun yet. . .

loving the two big blank squares flanking the speedo which say “information center“ but hold no gauges to display information. yikes.

These might look good if they had a concave shape to them at all but they just don’t and I never understood why VW made them that way. I want to like these but they don't work.

Also, there is a Facebook group called “OEM Wheels on Other Makes/Models” that y’all would love, it has given me a new appreciation for several older wheel designs I used to not like. There are also lots of Honda fanbois who love the wheels I posted and swap them on a bunch of other cars. There's a bit of everything

I have loathed pretty much everything Honda has put on their cars in the last decade or so, they are IMO the worst of the black paint/polished metal wheel trend. Nominating the recent Accord Sport as lead example. Most of the Civic wheels are unbearable too.

I have been waiting an absurd amount of time to see someone else posit this extremely simple yet accurate take.

You could actually just broaden your mind instead of complaining about how things “aren’t related to cars” when they are. It’s a big world out there, pretty much everything is more complicated and nuanced than you think it is. 

My introduction to Panoz was indeed through video games in the form of Midtown Madness 1 and 2, delightful arcade racers on the PC. Both of em featured the AIV Roadster (known in-game simply as the Panoz Roadster) and the GTR-1 which was the fastest car in the game.

That Roadster would kill me but gods help me I don’t

YES! Thank you for bringing this back and thank you twice for starting things off with this absolutely killer track (with an even better music video)

I do love the GT90 but I'll give ya the Scighera, that shit is horrendous. It almost looks better in low-poly 90s PC game form than it does irl.

jee-heeeesus christ now that is an ugly vehicle, never heard of it before and i wish i still hadn’t

As someone who, through many poorly-timed and unfortunate circumstances, found themselves daily driving a $500 beater Gen 2 Prius, gotta agree with all points here. Even I barely remember the first gen model, as it was nearly indistinct from the Echo. The Gen 2 is what a lot of people still think of when they hear the

The 340R is still IMO one of the coolest cars to ever make it to production and I honestly don’t know why I don’t see it talked about at all these days. They basically made an Ariel Atom before Ariel did but kept *just* enough bodywork to keep it looking like the Elise people were already familiar with. And just look

Hold up, do you really believe you are part of the solution? For real? You absolutely are not, and it seems like you are *willfully* missing the point. You can tell yourself all you want that you are “reeducating shitty drivers” but honestly how so? Are you telekinetic, beaming your full thoughts and intents directly

This illustration just confirms that Torch was right almost eight years ago. We need a cabover supercar.