
Just one more note to add - I use a 42 inch HDTV for my monitor, so yes, I use it for everything under the moon. And I will continue to be able to do so for a few more years - I bought that baby, a NICE LCD, for dirt cheap, heh, but that’s neither here nor there. Anyway, my “computer monitor” is used to watch movies,

I apologize for the really late response here... I was away abit.

His treatment of women is unrelated to his career, yes. There are a lot of jobs you would lose if you showed up in the newspaper for much more minor crimes, and rightfully so. Knowingly identifying or associating oneself with a piece of shit makes one a piece of shit too.

I believe the technique is “Cross-hatching” ...

I just started watching Stardust Crusaders... this has got to be the ugliest, as well as the most pointless censorship I’ve seen yet.

Haha... that’s a good pic.

The cost of video cards depreciates a lot faster than the cost of a console that used outdated hardware from the start. You can already get video cards that are significantly better than what either of the big 2 consoles uses for a lot less than the console would cost you. If you build a PC from scratch, every single