The real question is, does Melania even care? Is she reading about this and seething.....or is she shrugging her shoulders and thinking “eh, another one.”
The real question is, does Melania even care? Is she reading about this and seething.....or is she shrugging her shoulders and thinking “eh, another one.”
Seriously, when is the GOP going to stop pretending they stand for “traditional family values?”
Hobby Lobby was decided in favor of a company that refused to pay for insurance coverage that covered hormonal birth control on the basis it was “an abortifacient.”
I can’t read this without my ladybits wanting to invert themselves and vanish. Auuuuuugh
I’d love for him to sue her, so that it’s in court records forever that he’s packing a mushroom in a bale of hay that pales in comparison to a roll of dimes.
OK, so when does the national media outrage start, and other members of the GOP start the ball rolling on getting rid of this immoral monster?
He kept rubbing my leg and was like, “You know, you’re so beautiful. I love your little nose, it’s like a little beet.” I go, “Did you say a beet? Like, what the f—-?” I started giving him a hard time about it. And he goes, “No, no, no, no! It’s majestic. It’s a very smart nose, like an eagle.” I was like, “Just keep…
No one is batting an eye over this. Until they find out he used campaign funds to pay her.
There is also the part where he apparently got her to spank him with a copy of Forbes, which had a picture of his kids on the cover.
However you feel about him, you know who would have done it?
That sound, is collective vaginas sealing up every place that has a male within 1 mile of them. I will be shocked if any female has sex with me or any other male ever again.
I’m reading this and listening to a reporter from McClatchey News on Rachel Maddow talk about the Russians funneling money to the NRA to fund Trump.
if hard-pressed, she could “describe his junk perfectly.”
There is no amount of money, fame or potential business opportunity in the world that would motivate me to fuck that orange hued, lying piece of shit.
IT: Were you attracted to him?
Per Daniels, the “sex” (help me) was fine and if hard-pressed, she could “describe his junk perfectly.”
I hope during the shut down fight, someone reads the whole article on the Senate floor.
That sound you hear is my vagina rapidly sealing itself up until further notice.
As a younger woman, I never felt comfortable doing or saying anything except to ignore/look away. Now that I’m a little more sure of myself and what I don’t need to tolerate, I make a scene. A couple of years ago, my husband and I were riding the subway. It was very hot and very crowded. There was a man with his back…