VeggieTart: fear of a female planet

This isn’t love and affection; it’s a father demanding a kiss from his kid, who seems reluctant. He was willing to give dad a peck on the cheek but not so happy when dad demanded more.

A peck on the cheek, no big deal. But I’m a bit creeped out when a parent kisses his/her child on the lips or demands that the kid kiss him/her on the lips. There was nothing spontaneous about this. The kid wants to check his fantasy scores and dad demands a kiss and then a longer kiss? Come on! I also don’t like the

A FB friend posted news of this and of accusations against another HSUS exec online (we’re both vegan feminists), and I had to wonder what it is with some people in the AR movement. I mean, if they don’t think animals should be treated as objects—and they shouldn’t—why the fuck are they treating women as objects?

There are a lot of organizations that benefit cats and dogs—you know, the animals we call pets. There aren’t many well-publicized organizations that advocate for cows, pigs, chickens—the animals people call food—nor the animals raised for fur. I used to think HSUS did that without the sexist bullshit of PETA, but

It’s about the power they have over women. They have to know that women on some level are disgusted at their behavior and are also powerless to do anything about it. It’s about humiliating them and causing discomfort.

How about going a little closer to home and helping the people of Puerto Rico, who are, you know, U.S. citizens?

Don’t forget Marlise Munoz.

I would say it’s galling, not ironic. Come on, anti-choice men arrange for their daughters/sons’ girlfriends,wives, and paramours to have abortions. Anti-choice women have had abortions. It doesn’t stop them from trying to deny YOU the right to an abortion.

I’m not sure what you’re getting at, but this United Statesian prefers “O Canada,” even with the “sons’ command” line and reference to God, to “The Star-Spangled Banner.” Considering SSB has been the U.S. national anthem for less than 100 years, there’s no great tradition, and I wouldn’t mind seeing the national

There’s a meme that suggests the difference between conservatives and liberals is that conservatives think, if it doesn’t happen to me, I don’t care while a liberal thinks, it should happen to anyone, so I care.

I say this as someone who really liked football once upon a time but stopped watching it years ago for a number of reasons: The coverage surrounding the Super Bowl is ridiculous. From the moment the two teams advance, it’s non-stop yammering about the teams, about the host city, about all the background stories.

She looks like she’s a witch for Halloween.

Someone screaming “I’m drowning” is akin to Eric Garner claiming, “I can’t breathe” while in the police chokehold. Is she supposed to say “I think I’m drowning”? Maybe Wood thought she was drowning. She apparently was afraid of the water and probably was terrified when she went into the drink.

Maybe when she says “you,:” she means herself. It was awkward for her to be getting a gift because it hadn’t happened to her, although she did bring the gift for Laura Bush. I’m sure it’s awkward for any outgoing first lady when her successor brings the gift.

No, Susan Sarandon was “bring the revolution”.

Why would she? She actively loathes him and probably doesn’t care what he does as long as she doesn’t have to be near him. She didn’t even arrive with him to the SOTU (or even the STFU). She does the absolute minimum she can get away with, although Trump acolytes will still love her because she’s not Michelle Obama

“Tonight I call on the congress to empower every Cabinet secretary with the authority to reward good workers—and to remove federal employees who undermine the public trust or fail the American people.”

And with typical California R hypocrisy, he loathes government until it comes to his water subsidies (a gross oversimplification but accurate).

Remember that Trump’s vocabulary is rather limited and he doesn’t have a whole lot of adjectives to draw on when describing things.

Oh, it is. From what I remember, a nine-year-old girl was raped by her stepfather (I think) and got pregnant with twins. Her mother arranged for her to have an abortion because nine-year-old children should not be pregnant. The mother and the doctor who performed the procedure were excommunicated. The bishop,