
Thanks for asking.. I was sexually assaulted by my father, so seeing a title like this one super huge all over my screen give me the creeps. I'm sure the title is relevant to GOT, I just wanted to advocate for myself and others who may not feel comfortable with it.

I've never watched GOT and I'm a fan of boners, but this title is somewhat triggering.. would you be willing to change it to something else?

Same.. One of the first issues I ever read was about cutting, and it really helped me out when my middle-school best friend was self-harming. I always felt special being 10-14 and reading it, being like "oooo I'm not even 17 yet, I'M SO COOL"

Your username is pretty much the best thing I've ever seen!

I recently had a lady customer who didn't want me to scan the barcodes on her groceries because she thought "zapping" them did something to the food.. 1. She's probably right. 2. I didn't have the heart to tell her it had probably already been zapped a zillion times before. 3. I zapped one when she wasn't looking!

If that's the case, they would probably just abandon the 600's altogether to play it safe!

I fondly remember buying a pack of pads during my pre-DivaCup days that came out to $6.66... I was like, "This is so representative of my life right now!"

While it may not happen every single day to me, I know it's happening to other women out there every single day . I also think a lot of attention is being brought to the subject now (especially here in Santa Cruz, California), which means more posts and discussions are happening IRL and on the internet

I'm a camp counselor and this past summer was the worst lice infestation I've ever encountered! At the start of each session we check every camper's head, and do treatments if nits are found.. so sad having to send amazing Girl Scouts home because their heads are just too infested :( Oh, best part of the summer was

Purim is a Jewish holiday, celebrating Mordeci & Esther's foiling of the Persian's plan to kill all the Jews in the empire.. A big feast and party happen, and food etc is given to charity.... Apparently, you are supposed to get so drunk you literally cannot see tell the difference between good and evil!!