
Well, Egypt's in Africa.  Ramses' is not a Middle Eastern legend, but an actual African Pharaoh, as was his father and his mother, a queen.  But it's a direct slap in the face to blacks.  Because as a director, when making a movie that takes place in ancient Africa, the first person I'd think of is a blonde haired

Moses stuttered and was a flop at speaking a language not natural to him.  Since he was raised in the House of Pharaoh, Egyptian is his mother tongue.  His Hebrew probably sounded like high school Spanish.  He needed Aaron to translate and probably gain trust with the people.  When Moses spoke in Egypt, he was mighty

I loved The Ten Commandments…it was made during Jim Crow, so they get a pass!  It's 2013 and they botched this big time.  Lots of people will go see it, because they love Bible Epics/Epics (me too), but I'll sit this one out.  I already have The Ten Commandments, don't need this in 2013.  Another botched job is Noah,

Idris Elba should've been Ramses…and (don't know about his acting) but atleast a Colin Kaepernick type should've been Moses…who's gonna be Moses' black wife, Jane Fonda or Britney Spears?  LOL