
Fuck everyone involved in this story. Fucking morons.

Well, glossing over the fact it belongs to a private owner who probably invested quite a bit in owning it in the first place. 

Dude I’m assuming you’re an adult. When you make a plural from Ferrari to Ferraris it doesn’t have an apostrophe. The apostrophe typically indicates a possessive. There are a bunch of variables so I’m not going to get into it, but the simple rule is do not use an apostrophe when you simply want to refer to multiple

I’m okay with this as I have an uneasy Russian-roulette like fear that the person in front of me will suddenly recline and crush the top edge of my MacBook screen.


You. Can. Convert. Your. BTC. To. USD. Instantly.

Then guess what, you have spendable money!

The government prints $560 million a day....the dollar is guaranteed to collapse.

While your explanation about money having value is correct, your argument for why bitcoin has “no value” isn’t.

Bitcoins value is based purely on idiots speculating, people buying black market goods like child porn, and Russian hackers holding data for ransom.

Bitcoin isn’t real?