
The quickness with which the talking point became “BUT HES A CRIMINAL” was unsurprising, but disgusting. We see them, the people who secretly approve of young black men being executed in our streets - they extend their bigoted claws to desperately grab any flimsy justification offered by others with similarly

As if even violent offenders should be gunned down on the street by one-man judge/jury/executioners. It’s sickening.

America - where if you’re black, shoplifting is a death sentence.

They claim it’s for Maisie but really it was so Kit could appear taller than someone, *finally*.

That’s too bad, I like the show a lot. I hope it’s not true but if it is, I hope the finale is worth the years I put into it. Don’t let me down!

You’re crazy. The best part of the show is Nick, Schmidt, and Winston! You missed lots of delightful Schmidt/Cece stuff AND Megan Fox’s surprisingly funny turn as Nick’s new girlfriend Reagan.

That is absolutely gruesome and ghoulish and the first thought that came to me, too. *bleakly* Cheers.

This is suddenly seeming like the only real possibility.

That really is the only explanation.

Tried to dissolve a body in it?

If you haven’t seen it already, Hannibal (the tv series) might be right for you! The cannibal character puts a lot of thought into the cooking and presentation of meat in that series. It’s a big part of the “suspense” of the series.

One thing that’s always bothered me about cannibal movies is that the cannibals always seem to eat their human flesh raw and disgusting, with lots of slurping and splashing of gore. I guess that’s supposed to amp up the horri, but I just don’t understand it. Why does becoming a cannibal also mean you no longer care

I loved it. It was so good and I’m super squeamish, but I did not faint. Threeof the best movies I saw last year were made by female directors: Raw, The Lure (Agnieszka Smoczyńska) and Toni Erdmann (Maren Ade.) Women are being given the resources to make interesting, experimental films in other parts of the world.

Evolutionary hypotheses are that we find cannibalism disgusting because it helps us survive. Eating human flesh is a really good way to get sick since the person could have all kinds of diseases that would also affect the person eating them. When we eat animals, their diseases often don’t affect humans.


I have met someone who was in school with him. According to that person, Ryan is nice, kind and fiercely loyal, but was THE class clown. He did improv for years. If you let him run his mouth without reigning him in in time, you end up at the worst of the worst jokes. He can go for hours. He likes playing Deadpool

O yeah I’ve always liked her. I thought it was pretty hilarious that she so obviously hated doing Twilight, although I know a lot of people thought she seemed ungrateful. I think she had no idea what it was going to be like when she signed on and then was kind of like What the hell have I done. And thanks, I love

I LOST IT at the Totinos sketch. She was a really solid host honestly.

she is really beautiful! it’s easy to forget that when she was Mary Sue Bella Swan Vampire Spawner but she is a stunning woman