
Agree. I am totally shocked by the scathing reviews online. I knew nothing about it going in and finished it in two days, I really liked it.

Yay, someone else who liked it!!! I loved it, maybe just was in the right mindset when I saw it but I found it delicious and intriguing. So glad I'm not alone!

I actually really liked this show, and I don't think I'm someone with generally bad taste. I was compelled by the slow discovery of how disturbed Jean/Diane is, her backstory, the fucked up ways all the characters were trying to be better people then they actually were. Maybe it's because I just got out of a

OMG YES, I didn't even think of that but how powerful would it have been for us to have no idea Luke was alive and then he comes out to meet Moira! Genius.

They could have shown her story without showing the trauma. Similar to what they did with Nick, we could have seen the circumstances that led her to her choice - we could see them capturing her, giving her her options, her making the choice. Maybe some scenes of her first day at Jezebels, without showing anything

Or we could just not? I don't understand why humans think we need to perpetuate our species at all costs. Maybe we've had our run. We could offer incentives to citizens to have children (like we already do today despite overpopulation). We could have willing, fertile citizens register and volunteer to donate sperm and

Or she had a kid from a previous relationship/marriage to a man or someone with a penis. Happens all the time. Not everyone who is gay is only in homosexual relationships their whole lives, and she also might've dated someone who identifies as a trans woman but had the ability to impregnate her. In fact, that person

I second what MyriadDystopias said, and would add that it might be a comment on her thinking they wouldn't have fertility issues, so that they could continue having sex even after the regime was established. Now, she's trapped in a sexless marriage of her own making, having to watch her husband rape someone else while

I agree with you about the worldbuildling. I LOVE this show but I'm having a hard time with the logistics. It's hard to imagine that they would ditch IVF during a fertility crisis, no matter what the religious motivation. I also have a hard time believing that the only way they are screening for Handmaids is to grab

Very late to the game but I noticed that, too - no bloody claws, no explanation as to how he didn't have giant gaping holes in his knuckles where the wounds from popping said claws out would have been.

I thought I was the only one! In theory, it's interesting to explore the whole "what makes us evil" question with Fitz and Ward, but in reality I think it destabilizes the show and it's just not fun to watch. It's hard for a show like this to not go off the rails with all the back-and-forth switching of allegiances

Oh boy, here we go

I love FitzSimmons and I wish the show would just leave them alone, but I have a feeling Jemma won't be able to move past knowing that Fitz is capable of cold-blooded murder. And I don't see Fitz being able to move past that either. He's always said they were cursed, maybe this will finally prove him right :(

I'm sure Dan reminds her of the man she fell in love with who left her to marry someone else. So she's intrigued but also repulsed that he would so flippantly do to someone else what was done to her.

Exactly! I thought Season 1 Gini was a killer representation of a woman being sexually free, while being responsible, communicative and a good parent. I thought it was incredibly refreshing, and gave a great example that we don't all have to fall into the marriage/monogamy trap.

Can someone tell me why the doctor, who is actually a psychiatrist, was ever brought in to talk to Sam, who obviously was suffering from some sort of mental break?

Interesting that we have another case of someone (Morgan) having an opportunity to kill people (Wolves idiots) who are obviously terribly bad people and choosing not to, and how it will have repercussions down the line, including already almost getting Daryl and Aaron killed. It's kind of exhausting to see this theme