
None of these people are entitled to earn a living on Twitch.

Due process applies to governments, not private companies.

Twitch isn’t a court of law dealing out criminal penalties like jail time; they don’t need proof beyond a reasonable doubt. In civil court (in the US, at least), the standard is “a preponderance of evidence”, which basically means “is it more likely than not that the claim is true?” or “is it more that 50% likely the

I remember going to a Hollywood Video in the mall to pick up a VHS of Star Trek: Generations for my folks (good son over here, spending allowance money on a Christmas gift instead of the arcade next door). The proprietor said he had one copy under lock and key because it was $100. Blew my mind, I was used to the

I can’t help but notice that someone who says “Those of us who didn’t just get a three-month paid (or unpaid) vacation are just trying to do our jobs here.” is a huge jerk

That’s your bottom line? You just go ahead and die on that hill. We’ll let you.

So while on the one hand, yes, she’s a horrible person for supporting her dickweed husband’s endeavors for personal gain

The only thing I’d suggest is that this line doesn’t strike me as correct: “Their first instinct was to react with fear...”.  I think rather, their first reaction was to act like they were in charge and that the person they were talking to was not their equal.

Hun, she didn’t wrongly think she knew the owners. She was consciously lying as a flex to put a person of color in his place, never dreaming for a minute that she was speaking to the owner himself. 

The saying ought to be changed to, ‘well, there are a few good apples in the barrel.’ Not sure if people have read this article that talks about the toxic police culture: Confessions of a Former Bastard Cop 

Wow, you’re telling me that meg whitman- previously best known for fucking a successful company into the ground because shes a complete idiot- has done something collosally stupid?

Maybe Quibi’s real business model is to convert the world to clean energy by providing unlimited amounts of schadenfreude.

Yet the space alien market has been served for years.

Good Afternoon Vietnam?

“henry v” is pretty good.

OMG that thread is awesome. Unfortunately the reddit stuff was taken down but they totally doxxed them 100%. People finding the others through their facebook contacts.

Dude is about to learn the internet knows all and the internet never forgets.

LOL, volunteered for the chopping block AND made sure their names are all over the internet for background checks. He is a trucker so Im sure some small-time trump thumping company will hire him but he is radioactive to any real corporation.

But they could start with doing what Camden did. Oh and demilitarizing them would also probably be a good thing.