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Sorry to hear of your dearth of can vids, I have a cup vid you can borrow...

My daughter-in-law knitted this for me for my sixty-first B-day (which isn’t until tomorrow, but somehow got lumped into a Mother’s Day get together).

“Those people need to be made as uncomfortable as possible with their previous choices.”

“Crumpet’s off!”

The best response to a bad guy committing sexual assault is ... umm, what now?

Good call on the Topo Chico, best fizzy water out there!

Now playing

The line about no one being “happy all the time” put me in mind of the old Was Not Was ditty “Shake Your Head”, wherein no less an authority than Ozzie Osbourne informed us “you can’t pretend to have fun”, which, if you think about it, is soooo true.

+1 Oh no you DIHHH-UNT!

-Also, the Hound survived: CLEGANE BOWL!

Is Pelosi a coward, or is Trump just the best King ever? Many people are saying...

Bet you’re not into health food.

IOW, if you think labeling anyone as a normie enhances your status as an edgelord, you are the fucking normie.

And yet, for any Deplorables who might now be on the fence, that rube shit is catnip!

And yet Clint is easily the most successful of that bunch, and the one who’s works I have probably most enjoyed. Of the remainder, the majority of them had huge, early breakout roles- Woods in ‘The Onoin Field’, Voight in ‘Deliverance’, Hopper with ‘Easy Rider’; Selleck never really rose to that level, and in fact

Not only do I believe you, I 100% concur. 

Someone downthread already mentioned James Woods, but besides that asshole we can point to (and laugh at) John Voight, Tom Selleck, the late Dennis Hopper, Clint, and quite possibly RDJ...

Best take ever. The only gustatory combination more repellent that fruit and chocolate is cheese and chocolate.   


LOLOLOL that’s cute, but I’m pretty sure FOX is on Team Trump, so their ethical code is literally No accountability, no responsibility, and the truth is whatever we say it is.”