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You DO NOT leave Don Logan out of any Ben Kingsley discussion!

Agree with all of the above, but it needs pointing out that the increased immigration targets anyone on the right is yapping about- especially Jared- likely includes increases in the number of technical/engineering/developer visas issued.

I get that the listing of a particular drugs’ potential side-effects is strictly a CYA maneuver, but there’s two statements I hear constantly in those ads that chap my behind. The first is “don’t take [drug name here] if you’re allergic to [drug name here]”, because WTF, DUH!!?1!

In Russia (and apparently Iowa), restaurant go to you.

I enjoy Tracy Morgan’s work a great deal. I’ll amend my statement to declare the Brian Fellows sketch the single best SNL skit of the Aughts.

Counterpoint; Tracy Morgan peaked with Brian Fellows (“That bird stole my credit card!”), but Fallon’s impersonation of Neil Young performing “Pants on the Ground” was likely the most sublimely awesome act of the young millenium.

My most fondly remembered trope dovetails in with the “Under Construction” banners, wherein the authors of 99% of personal websites displaying the virtual saw-horses and rotating amber disco lights would always append some variation of text stating “If you have any ideas or suggestions that would help improve this

My next band’s name; Whippet-Schipperke Muffin Stumps.

And not only that, have you seen what they eat for breakfast? Fucking BEANS. For breakfast.

Concern Troll found.

I’m already having a hard time wrapping my head around the fact that he’s holding a regulation rock in that picture up top... I know he’s a big fellow, but “CRIMINY!!!1" his hands are freakishly large.

A man has no taste buds.

The ring came off my pudding can...

“...right wing Israelis that oppress and kill”

I tweeted the below this afternoon, and muh boy said this evening that I’m going to get us “on a list”. Does Der Donald have a list??

When asked what in particular he had against books, Mr. Kilmeade complained that the issue was “so many of them are just full of words...”

“As we have seen across the United States, conservatives particularly have come under attack for their political beliefs — verbally, physically, and electronically...”