The Veeg

Trump killed the guy? Did anyone claim that Obama killed Osama bin Laden?

The “Veterans for Impeachment” signs behind home plate at the top of the fifth was also a nice touch.


I’m not saying Hardy isn’t a scumbag, but..

I’m honestly surprised that the players wont be independent contractors. 

the Jets are “suspicious of the timing” because they believe Osemele didn’t start complaining until his starting job was in jeopardy”

Ford is not involved with Mazda anymore, it’s actually been a while 

Fun fact: Ford’s corporate pricing does still work at Mazda dealers. I don’t know why that’s the case, but it sure saved me some money on my MX-5.

Ford doesn’t own an interest in Mazda anymore.

You’re carrying water for a shitty UFC fighter a lot of people hate for being an even shittier human being.

I’m just naturally a monster.

For you, it’s not about his (lack of?) talent or any controversies inside the octagon that irks you about Hardy. At least have the decency to admit that”

“I’m just naturally a monster.”

There are plenty od 2014 model S’s on the road. So clearly not 4 years on the dot

This new BMW 2 series looks pretty good, nice it has a hatch.

Are you a snitch

Don’t be so quick or harsh in your judgement; perhaps waiting to allow the Chinese government time to shoot some more people will allow for a more rational assessment of their argument.

A good time to remember that Colin Kaepernick gave up his job and all the considerable perks that come with it to stand up against injustice, while LeBron James, whose legacy and bank account are both more secure, is unwilling to risk even a small fraction of future earnings to speak on one of the few world issues

Daryl Morey, notedly averse to information