The Veeg

I actually believe Trump when he says he’s never had a drink or taken drugs. His brother died from alcoholism, after all.

They most certainly have that right.

Those are practically tasteful by Dodge owner standards

This is a Chrysler product. So just expect questionable aesthetic decisions by their owners in general.

Because the govt is lazy and won’t outlaw this shit.

Why is walking to your car such a big deal?

At a previous job, I had a remote control gantry crane. My coworkers and I routinely used it to move heavy equipment around, although nothing as heavy as a Tesla. During operation, all non-essential personnel were cleared from the area and nobody ever stood or walked in the way of the equipment. It was always under

Nobody at Tesla seems to understand that while having your customers beta-test phone operating systems or new games is fine, having your customers beta-test the software that runs a 4000 lb rolling death machine is not fine. Maybe putting a bunch of software geeks in charge of a car company is not a good idea.

My favorite is the second car in the first video at the 2 minute mark. The one what just baaaaaacks away when the driver probably noticed that there was no one in the Tesla.

I would guess half the elonites on the forums don’t actually own a tesla.

Remember everyone: Full Autonomy by next year. 

Good lord just walk to your car already.

BMW wasn’t a credible competitor to Mercedes until the early 90s.

Is there a single person out there that is surprised that Belichick wanted to keep Brown? Even one?

It takes one to set a shitty precedent,” he writes, accurately describing his own useless Hot Take.

What a amazing insight! You must be so very proud of yourself for blaming this shit on unions instead of bean-counting for the sake of shareholders. Congratulations for blaming it on people who are working instead of the middlemen who are just buying in/cashing out without any actual purpose or responsibility in terms

It’s one theater, man.  

They didn’t deserve OBJ either. Wish he had the opportunity to burn the team that burned him this season instead of the Jets.

Romo has a personality at least.

What the literal fuck? Romo was way, way better than Eli ever was. Like, it’s not even close. Why would you even make that comparison? You might as well ask if, say, Deshaun Watson is better than Nick Foles 🤔