The Veeg

I think we did this last time, but ... you’re welcome:

Can they actually take the ability from the state of California to do this though?

I think you and I have talked about this before, but I remember growing up in the 90's (at this point, it was better than the previous two decades) and Corona, the Valley, LA were smog filled pools of hell. My mom couldn’t visit her friend in Pomona on certain days because the air quality was so poor.

No, because all of these vehicles are built to the California standard. The argument that if we repeal these regulations, and car manufacturers make “dirtier” cars the price of cars will go down is absurd. We’re already used to these prices—even if the dirtier cars are cheaper to make, there’s no reason to pass those

Follow the money. More polluting, less efficient cars, means more oil, and I bet there’s some deal afoot between Putin and his orange-skinned cock-holster to increase the imports of Russian crude to the U.S.

Even if they succeed in declawing CARB, you would have to be crazy as an automaker to do anything but continue to voluntarily adhere to the CA standards with the expectation that the rules will change back eventually.

For anyone claiming emissions add too much cost, remember a 2019 Yaris is cheaper than a 1990 Corolla when adjusted for inflation.

One of the biggest things to hope for: that the administration of the lazy corrupt racist orange santorum-covered enemy of the people will botch the procedural attempt to eliminate the waiver, and will thus screw up. We’ll see. 

This government would prefer to watch THEIR OWN SUPPORTERS burn specifically, and their supporters are still slow to see this truth. The central valley is the only place you can really find a Republican stronghold in California anymore, they’re poor and naturally that makes them the targets that get taken down the

Ah, the party of State’s rights....when they are politically convenient. 

Secession, here we come! No more state tax dollars for you, Trump. Pay your own bills, ya louse!

People like to think that California is this all-powerful, Liberal-Elitist, cesspool that just wants to inflict their vindictive will upon everyone else.

You know,if The Donald isn’t careful, he’s not going to get California’s giant Electoral Vote Haul in a year.

the White House will formally revoke California’s legal right

Fuck Trump.

Who needs clean air, amiright?

Environment ruined, EPA now Economic Protection Agency

Planet hating money making companies give him a lot of money and power to do so.

Why does that lying, fascist, loofa-faced, Shitgibbon hate the planet so much?