The Veeg

I can’t wait for the first person to get hit and flop. They’re gonna sue e-v-e-r-y-b-o-d-y and I hope they win.

I thought the primary impression of Audi in the 80s was unintended acceleration.

It’s coming soon to your local Toyota dealership as the Yaris Hatchback.

Gotta start somewhere. Audi wasn't a credible competitor to BMW and Mercedes until the late 90s. Takes time.

Turns out the free market chose to not show it there. Don't you lot like the free market?

He got sucker punched because he bigtimed an LB he owed money to. Not exactly the locker room leadership you look for as a QB. Plus you're gonna take hits at the position, if one good punch puts you on IR you're never gonna be an ironman like Elisha.

It’s not even slightly questionable if he’s a Hall of Famer. Not only is he a mortal lock, he’s first ballot.

I was referring to Nissan and saying Mitsu can take that role. 😂

Nissan used to be neat. What a depressing brand. I know they took over Mitsubishi, perhaps they can get back to being nice and let Mitsu be the bad credit/Hertz counter brand they currently are.

I would assume Will Grier.

Still got a lot more presence than that.... thing... Bentley put out.

We get it, they’re advertising with you.

Yeah because we've clearly shown that sundowning elderly folks who say idiotic shit all day long can't last in the presidency. Good call!

Not the front runner. Telephone polls are wildly inaccurate when nobody under Biden’s age picks up a number they don’t know.

Is this copypasta?

The Invasion died as soon as the McMahon brats got involved.

Jericho is also in the GOAT conversation (not my pick but not a bad one), and Shane O is like if Mr. T kept wrestling for 20 years after Mania 1. Apples to go karts.

Cool, now let’s try the apology from the unemployment line.

False rape accusations are a statistical nothing. This is more than a Super Sorry situation.

Maybe you should pay a professional. They tend to cost more than an Uber.

Yeah, if you wanna accuse Brady of cheating, the Pats paying his company instead of his actual cap hit to keep his number low is way more of a competitive issue.