The Veeg

The NFL has had 20 years of the Golden State Warriors, except Brady is not as good as Steph Curry and everybody on the team is Draymond.

It helps that they pay most of Brady's salary under the table.

He did win at life. He got out of Pittsburgh.

It’s really hard to overreact to an illiterate fascist and talking on the internet is not a way to do so.

No, it makes you somebody who thinks it's bad to care about the world. 

So it’s the people who find him moronic that are the problem. Got it.

That’s cool but Antonio Brown had a track record. If you bring in Antonio Brown and he acts like Antonio Brown and you’re mad at him for acting like Antonio Brown who does that come down to?

Carolina makes all the sense in the world. Aging core, that undefeated 15-1 team is four years ago already, and they signed Eric Reid last year so they’re not necessarily afraid of controversy.

You gonna retract this when that stupid motherfucker tweets about this?

I think I’m good with Bezosland being shunned. Let’s do more of it, everybody!

SNES was amazing. The slowdown on action games made them so much easier!

Not really. He and his band of arrested development cases are still bush league at best.

Strip clubs are culture?

It was a good play. There were Panthers on the ground and it would have been a bad play to dive in there and possibly carom the ball over towards Denver.

Belichick is good at his job, though.

Feckless is hardly an obscure word option, perhaps it just hit close to home for you?

The Pelicans just got Zion and have a ton of assets despite nobody ever showing a lick of interest in them. Don't think I'd put them in that box.

Old GM and New GM are the same, new just has way less market share and builds way fewer cars in America.

It’s still not going to have good enough latency. Bandwidth is only half the equation.

No way they’re the Patriots of basketball.