The Veeg

If you travel a lot your hotel WiFi or mobile hotspot isn’t going to have the latency or bandwidth to run this thing.... But go off.

It would mean exactly as much, a title is a title. 

Warriors had 4 All Stars and at least three Hall of Famers in this game. Not trying to let them off the hook.

Really? That’s the take?

The refs were trying to keep Toronto in the game?!

You misspelled Scott Foster.

They’re the champions and prohibitive favorites who get every call and can have seven players on the court.

Are we pretending the refs didn't give Golden State this game lock stock and barrel? We gonna act like they didn't have seven players on the court at one point and didn't get a tech? Gonna pretend like Boogie shouldn't have fouled out seconds into the first? Y'all complicit with these officials.

Zero stats suggest Boogie is a positive on that team, but go off.

Klay is already very, very rich and will continue to be moreso. He also presumably never had to worry about money in his life. Not to say "what's another $30 million" but like, what's another $30 million.

Houston is not a worse team than Portland and you’ll see that in four to five games. Citing regular season results is silly as it's a different game that is officiated differently.

Because the NBA historically makes that call in that position.

It’s the most Camaroey one for sure.

So in short, it's not capitalism, it's the free market? I'm confused.

Nah, I've helped with unloading the truck, maybe they have blocks until they get on the truck in Baltimore?

Hope not, I - a salesman - picked up from storage and prepped more than a few when the guys who were supposed to do that were busy.

Mazdas are two fuses, put the wheel trim on, remove the protective plastic and fill it with gas and wiper fluid. Can do it in less than five minutes if you hustle.

Mazda PDI - dealer prep - entails installing two (2) fuses, popping the hub cap or wheel center in, removing the plastic from the car and cleaning it and filling it with gas and wiper fluid. They do not have speed limiters.

That’s how Ali Reda does it and I don't really respect it.

Boston having him visit and then going “yeah no” was a pretty good sign.