
Fire/Fighting. I don't see what's the problem with it.

Deunan looks weird in this figurine.

Not sure if that guy was the winner, but he did come first.

Microsoft seems to think we do.

I'm a gamer, and I've never played GTA.

I wouldn't have it any other way.


There of course is X-Drive from BMW, their name for 4WD.

You call someone a complete faggot, yet your name is FollowtheCream......

I watched the video....come on guys......another Cubs bashing ???? Yeah I know we suck.......I have already decided that when I pass God's Green Earth, I want Cub players to be my pall they can let me down one last time.

Some neighborhoods are different. In mine, street art is pretty readily embraced—you know, if it's good. If a building has no graffiti, chances are the owners don't want any, so leave it the f*ck alone. If your work is down within hours of putting it up—don't count yourself persecuted because the property owners

No love for Firefly?

So you bought the Wii U, sold it (at a loss), and then are considering the possibility of purchasing another in the future.. that's some quality planning there, guy.

A vicious cycle of dads never coming home, thus creating the trainers who beat the fathers. Valid idea to Ash's never seen father.

Like a vhs tape!


Needs a spool on the back to store the spent bubble wrap. Then, once you've gone through the entire roll, you can take the back spool off and put it on the front, offset by a couple of inches, and do it all over again.