
Is that a smoke in its mouth?

I can't wait until the Japanese start launching sphere shaped robots in to space!

Hmm, that sounds like a Dick-In-A-Box reference, but OK!

I feel like this is just a lame excuse to come out with an Xbox One Slim version in the spring. As for the PS4, it'd be pretty neat to see an even slimmer version than the one that's already available.

Ah! You just killed that hot nickel ball-gummy bear video for me. I thought that sucker was like a foot tall!

LOL that was pretty sweet! Although I see that champagne bottle being abused in the future.

Adults everywhere are digging through their card bins packed away in the garage...

Adults everywhere are digging through their card bins packed away in the garage...

Wow, it's such a long process to put this together!

If I ever see this patented, I'm never going to comment on patentable ideas ever again online.


Wow, good for them! I always thought that they went the way of myspace.

Woah, that's so cool. It'd be pretty cool to see a cat tower embedded with little LEDs for cats to chase, however they'd probably end up picking them out of the carpet eventually.

My comic book shop has that Absinthe one in full poster size. I was actually thinking about whether or not to pick it up, because it does look so good—the artwork, I mean.

Wordpress, is that like VHS?

As Chris Rock once said, "This is some Cirque du Soleil pussy now. Shit!"

Yup! Everyone needs a dream to chase.

My iPhone 4 is continuing to last (since launch), but since I'm switching carriers I can't use it anymore except as an expensive alarm clock :(


LOL that is a great photo!