
Tell that to the Wolverine.

Lov-uh and-uh peace-uh!

$77?? I'm sure I could DIY it up on my own, thank you very much.

This is probably a bad time to do a Gravity promo.

Just imagine the recall on the nickel balls: "Hi, we need our nickel back".


Macking or sucking out the youth from her soft and dainty lips?

1630 comments later...I find out I quoted a 'misquote' :(

I wish there was a tally of how many comments we've made. Penisaur?

Old faithful.

Holy bonanzas, Batman! They do 3DS' now??

I hope China attempts this first. They have enough of a pollution problem that could really benefit from a cleaner solution. Also, that would push the US to clip on their collective balls and join the race for cleaner mass transit all so that they can say "we did it first".

That might be extremely hard to do considering this iteration of concept design fits right up against the tubes it is travelling.

A 3DS exclusive? Yay!

How did Jumanji begin? I can't remember, it's been so long.

Yeah, I'm a little saddened that there's no drop down button to link to the other sites as well :(

A quick read of the the App Store reviews reminds me that there will always be people out there that can complain about a complete game that is free to play from beginning to end. If you need IAP to progress, you're doing it wrong.

"My Gügle translator indicates the zombies have a plan."

Oh please. It doesn't matter who helps make the tech available, so long as it exists.