The real story is that people want to buy 50k trucks to commute in.
The real story is that people want to buy 50k trucks to commute in.
Stop trying to make minimum wage the damn problem. If you think for one minute a car loan is acceptable at minimum wage you’re an idiot. If minimum wage was $15, you should still not be getting a car loan. Your on minimum effing wage, that means minimum effing requirements!
Employers won’t raise wages as long as the supply of cheap labor exists. The prices of everything else rise in direct relation to people’s willingness to pay those prices. These things are considered to be at equilibrium despite troves of low-skilled employees demanding higher pay (they're easily replaced)
the real story is that money is so expensive these days.
Lol at that last part. My boss WANTS to hire more people. His main requirement at this point is anyone with a pulse—many don’t pass. He also wants to pay his current people better, but market forces don’t allow.
The real story is wages have been flat for well over a decade. Housing, healthcare, transportation, education have all gone up faster than inflation in the past 10-20 years, but minimum wage has been $7.25 for a decade. Even with record-low unemployment, employers loathe to raise wages. They’d rather leave work on the…
The rub on switching to a used car is that interest rates on used cars are usually higher than new cars.
It’s my opinion that the difference between being poor and middle class has come down to a mindset as the actual numbers don’t matter. If your income isn’t equal or greater than your expenses through no fault of your own, you are always teetering on the razor’s edge of financial abyss.
Another thing about being poor: most people have no idea that the income level for being poor is far higher than they think it is.
This is what I like to see, something lacking a lot on io9 - unabashed fandom. Doesn’t mean you can’t criticize it, but I’m totally feeling you right now Chris. I too am stoked.
I’d understand if it was a multicolored jalopy with a few scraps of paint holding the rust together, but the dent doesn’t look hardly even noticable. Hit it with some polishing compound and call it good.
I guess this is where we’re headed. Pretty soon homeless camps will make you sign an agreement that you’ll keep your shopping carts in pristine condition and only set up tents from the approved color palette. Gotta keep that illusion going...
Kinda funny that the place apparently caters to low-income residents but doesn’t want their low-income vehicles there
Fuck all the red tape.
Give me a hammer and dolly, some rubbing compound, and a buffer and I can make that disappear in 30 minutes. Seriously, does this guy not have any friends with car skills?
Discrimination much?
To me maintenance and body condition are two entirely separate things, aside from if the bodywork is actually falling apart.
Fath Towing and Vehicle Storage refused to comment when contacted by the media.
Renters of middle-end complexes can be pretentious as hell.