Veda I will Veda I won't

Yep. As one half of a biracial couple, I can personally attest that the microaggressions we face in daily life don’t need to be compounded by tirades against multiracial couples on screen. I do agree with the author that brown women are seriously underrepresented as the full, developed characters they deserve to be in

Thank you! That is exactly how I felt reading this, biracial and pissed.

THANK YOU. As a biracial woman, I am tired of people saying my parents love was invalid. That it was just serving colonialism or serving to oppress black women. If women of color really do not hold men to be the locus of their lives, then do Kumaili and Aziz really need to represent brown women on screen for them? Let

Personally I’m tired of people attacking interracial relationships. I hated when Jill Scott did it several years ago and I hate it now. Because underneath the rant about interracial relationships is the hatred of biracial people. We get it, you don’t think we should exist.

This man is a hero. The courage it must take to be an outspoken and highly-visible abortion provider in this day and age, when you have seen your colleagues killed, and in the face of rabid anti-choice activists and legislation, is tremendous. I fervently wish for his continued safety.

Hate to rain on this guy’s parade... (no I don’t)

I honestly don’t know, but I’m going to take today to enjoy 45's massive failure. Which I made sure to tweet to him and Ryan. 

I’ve been an immigration attorney since 2002. This story is very common. Young women (and, to a lesser extent, men) have always been violated in some way by CBP and ICE officers. [Officers also routinely steal money from individuals. (Client had $400 cash when arrested but somehow all that cash is gone when he

To most Americans, sushi is either the raw fish, or the raw fish on rice. They don’t know that sushi is rice marinated in vinegar.

Considering the billions of people that consume rice daily, 60K cases per year is statistically insignificant.

You know the “someone” who “dubbed” her “Rachel Luther Queen” was definitely herself.

something definitely screwy in the cabeza. iirc, there were claims of childhood abuse against Rachel + her brothers by their parents and it that’s true, I can feel her on that.

Wait...this necklace doesn’t make sense? The pieces are the same! They won’t fit together in a way that makes sense!

Do you remember in Harry Potter when Voldemort was being really super mean to the Malfoy’s and you were like, “sucks to be y’all. Prolly shouldn’t have hung out with wizard Nazis.”

Looks like they’ve removed the part in the write up that says it’s free. Just so you know before clicking’s $20. You would think that would be mentioned above when they edited out “free”.