
Don’t take anything that Sony says “It was a mistake”, just remember that Horizon Zero Dawn and Death Stranding are PS4 Exclusives, and on Death Stranding they “Dismissed the rumor” that it could eventually be on PC.

I am way more sour on this whole debacle than I should be, but damn if this isn’t disappointing. This is a clown move by Sony and a real bad look. 

And so begins the traditional clarification of Sony presentation lies.

Once my XboxOne dies, I’ll probably pick this up.  It’s mostly for my kid as I don’t have much time to game anymore.  So I don’t really care about 4K.

It’s not for “us”, meaning enthusiasts. This would be a cheaper introductory console. Pair it with Game Pass and you have pretty much the cheapest entry into next gen. 

If the name of the system will prevent you from buying or enjoying it, you seem to have a lot of problems that are non-gaming related.
The playstation naming scheme ist for people for which it is a problem to do anything else but count simple numbers.
MS actually did something kinda clever with the X box One X - X-B-O-X.


She’s had a pretty good arc over Guardians 2 through Endgame.

I feel after Nebula’s fairly small part in GotG 1, everyone realized “Wait a minute, Karen Gillan is really talented” and started writing more stuff for her to do. Her emergence as a major character has been quite satisfying.

Nebula was seriously the stealth MVP of Endgame. I already can’t wait to see more of her in future films.

From the start - even in its rocky first season - the show has been pretty effortless in developing its female characters. To the point that it’s almost a secondary consideration. Like, you look at the roster of May, Skye/Daisy, Simmons...then add in Bobbi, and finally Elena. The show doesn’t waste its time

That’s what I got out of it. Remember the Unreal 4 demo? I haven’t seen a single game look and run like that demo. This will probably be no different.

“On paper, some of the Xbox Series X’s specs are certainly higher, but some, like its SSD speed, are lower.”

it’s a timed exclusive to tell us it can run on the PS5 until such a time where we can tell you it’ll run on the xbox as well.

This is showing off tech for one of the biggest multiplatform engines in the industry its just showing off on PS5 (Devkit) so an Xbox Series X would be able to run this as well. Second its a tech demo these are NEVER representative of what a game will actually look at as the article alluded too with Agni’s Prophecy. Ba

It’s not, and nothing you play on next-gen will actually look and feel this good.

Yeah, these demos are like concept cars.  They’re neat to “ooh” and “ahh” over, but no one outside the team making them will ever get to drive them.  

No, if they lose the liscence, Kurtis Stryker.

Nah, they’re the best part of all this.