
Yeah, I’m up in Dallas and routinely go to the eastern and southern parts of the state...and it’s *that* bad.

Plus, there’s well done hallways in Lost Odyssey. It’s obscene how Kotaku continues to ignore Lost Odyssey’s hallways for FF XIII’s.

I like the cut of your jib there. 👍

Yes, it was a 360 exclusive. And they have a 360 emulator that is a work-in-progress you can buy—it’s called an Xbox One. :)

It’s not yet—BC wouldn’t work with multi-disk games until Major Nelson’s announcement from this week. I fully expect to hear Blue Dragon and Lost Odyssey showing up on the BC any day now...

As I said before, unless Kotaku is using invisible e-ink when talking about it, it gets a minuscule amount of press around this site. It was easily a Top-3 RPG from last gen (if not THE best if gameplay is valued over story).

Thanks. The SEC was the first thing that sprung to mind when I wanted an example of something that’s grossly overrated and full of itself that isn’t Final Fantasy-related.

Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaat? No Lost Odyssey? Either that game is getting hella appreciated in invisible ink, or there’s a glaring omission here.

Thanks to Final Fantasy tanking harder than a SEC football player taking a Physics exam during the previous gen, Lost Odyssey was probably *the* best or second-best JRPG of the

So, the B1G at that rate, will meet or exceed $500m annually for their media rights, which would outpace the SEC’s 15-year deal totaled at $2.25b in one third of the time?

Gnaw on the Pez dispenser head to ingest any leftover Pez residue.

Diana, you’re wrong: FF has *NOT* always been about graphical prowess—that started with VII. Before then, it was 8 and 16-bit sprites that looked alright for the time, but were held together by a significantly better story and gameplay than what the recent entries have provided. (VI and IV, specifically).

Thanks, I'll check that out! :)

That’s true, especially about the FMV, but it’s one of the last ones that really embraced what made the good FF games good and melded it with FMV. IX and X were alright in this regard, but leaned too heavily on FMV and QuickTime events over narration and storytelling IMO.

Hitman? Just Cause 3? Or Rise of the Tomb Raider? Those are the last three in NA they've released...

Very...very true. But it still sells because it's VI. :(

Oh, I’m sorry if my expectations for the series make you butt hurt. It’s not like I haven’t been playing them since the NES days and haven’t had said expectations level-set by the far superior older titles that focused on gameplay, exploration, and RPG elements over FMV and blow-it-out-your-ass graphical prowess.

Agreed. With the FF XV demo, I wasn’t impressed at all and kept thinking ‘what is this shit that’s infested FF?!’

I’m still remaining skeptical at best. The last good FF game was X back on the PS2, and the lackluster demo they put out did little to show that they’ve learned their lessons from previous failures. Hell, in some aspects it seems they’re doubling down on them, sadly.

Realistic Gun Strap Physics are the Boob Physics of 2016.

“Ang Lee’s Hulk, a forgotten classic, was an attempt to meld psychological drama with the bombastic violence that superheroes are known for.”