Any list that doesn't have Lost Odyssey in it for best last-gen RPGs isn't credible, sorry. That game is easily better than FF XIII-2 and Star Ocean Last Hope, and I would say at least on par with Xenoblade Chronicles.
Any list that doesn't have Lost Odyssey in it for best last-gen RPGs isn't credible, sorry. That game is easily better than FF XIII-2 and Star Ocean Last Hope, and I would say at least on par with Xenoblade Chronicles.
Hell, if you think *this* is a dick move by the Cowboys organization, you should check out the Eminent Domain bullshit Jerry Jones pulled via the City of Arlington to get the land in the first place.
Hint: It was so bad, the Texass State Legislature, known to herp-a-derp on the side of Big Business, made it so no one…
Unless you're south of the 39°43′ N parallel in the United States...
No XB1 or PC release? That's disappointing.
Can't really play any fighting games on the control pad with the PS4 (or any of the PS line of controllers, really), and I don't feel like shelling out for yet another fighting stick.
VI, without question. Sorry, but perhaps I'm just a bit too grown up for the whole brooding, teenage agnst saturation that VII was dripping with.
And yes, VIII had it way worse than VII did.
Oh, and congrats on commenting on a post that's over 1.5 years old. :)
Are you German by chance?
Nevermind, seems that Deadspin had a rare moment of clarity and put this on the front page after all. Kudos to them.
Especially considering K-State was gracious enough to play against the visiting team without a Place Kicker on the roster.
So, in a way, this mirrors what the Koch Brothers have done with political discourse in the past decade or so...?
But will the 3DS read all 64GB? I didn't think it would...
Thank you for the info. That's disappointing to hear...but not entirely unexpected.
Is there still a 32GB limit on the SD card used (since SDHC only goes to 32GB), or can you use SDXC cards now?
"America Picks Wasabi Ginger Lay's Potato Chips For Some Stupid Reason"
Never seen such butthurt over potato chips this side of the first grade lunchroom.
Banjo Kazooie racing game? There was no such creature during the 360 lifespan.
Shane—just FYI, tried the GMG code with Borderlands: PreSequel, and no dice.
Aliens: Isolation and just about any released title, yes—Borderlands PreSequel, no.
No Weird Al Yankovic? Well, then I guess it's back to the Puppy Bowl for halftime again.
Gotta love the ignorant, one-sided comments on how poor Gurley is not being compensated at all for playing a NCAA sport, how schools are supposedly making billions off of these players, and all the other baseless stupidity that shows up in these situations...not to mention the devaluing of a collegiate education at…
Yeah, it's why Richt is a more respectable coach than vermin like Saban or Brown.
This has to be one of the stupidest comments I've ever read on this subject. Thanks for bringing the conversation down to a pedantic level typically not seen out of tea party debates.