Agreed...though you know what's sad is that if MS had given two fucks about their service and PC gaming, it could have been something great. Simple, clean, no problems with voice chat or multiplayer...anyone could hop on, etc...
Agreed...though you know what's sad is that if MS had given two fucks about their service and PC gaming, it could have been something great. Simple, clean, no problems with voice chat or multiplayer...anyone could hop on, etc...
No, it's because it's on not on a Sony-sponsored system. :-|
Last I checked, Ron Brown wasn't on the coaching staff in 2004-2005.
I really wish they would have said they were focusing on making the missions more varied and fun. Both games were good...but got boring *REAL* quick, as it was the same mission over...and over...and over again.
By the way, lost in all of this is that KI on XBox One is popular enough that there are enough asshats that rage quit on a regular basis when they don't get their way.
Jesus Titty F*****g Christ on a Pogo Stick, Nintendo! Games, not gimmicks! Seriously, what the f**k is Reggie, Iwata, et al doing? Here, let me f*****g help you Nintendo, since you are incapable of doing it yourselves:
Sorry Nintendo apologists, but for this to *not* be on the 3DS is a joke and shows they still just don't get it.
Actually don't care either way—Just shocked that so many people haven't discovered the beauty of the 'mute' button on their TV and using radio (antenna or online) to get local announcers.
Actually don't care either way—Just shocked that so many people haven't discovered the beauty of the 'mute' button on their TV and using radio (antenna or online) to get local announcers.
After reading this story, seeing how Mizzery failed yet another one of their female students, and remembering the antics of the tea-bagging ilk that bought control of the state...
I did. And the Sony rep politely brushed me off and informed me I was SOL, in so many words, when I called in December.
Buyer beware on the God of War Bundle—the PSP to PS3 games are via download card and are not on disk...and the download code for these games expired in May(IIRC) 2013.
Hadn't heard that, but it would be fun.
Agreed. It's not like the NCAA Football developers have anything worthwhile that they're working on for next year...right?
"I'd totally play a football game where you can pull off ridiculous stunts like this."
I still miss MVP particular, the college baseball years, which were the best of the series.
"Think Bomberman. Or FIFA."
And yet you ignore Wisky/USC, likely because it doesn't support your initial prejudice against the B1G.
This world, boyo—if you haven't noticed, Texas is the toast of the conference, even if they go 0-12, because they're Texas and the conference goes through Austin.
Suprise buttsecks?