
Modern emissions rules will mean air cooled automotive engines are a thing of the past. Air cooled engines have a higher combustion chamber temperature than water cooled engines, and that means more NOx emissions. You can counteract that by running rich, but that impacts fuel economy, increases tailpipe hydrocarbons

A front wheel drive Conquest?! Inconceivable!

It might. Do you remember a few years ago when Hardees/Carl’s Jr. ran on an advertising campaign of “Our food is the most unhealthy, so stick it to them vegans!”? Might be the same thing. “3.9 MPG? Stigginit to the prius!”

I work for a body shop that is a Tesla approved repair center. I am not directly involved in ordering of parts, but I can tell you, what Tesla is saying, that it’s the body shop’s fault, is pure bullshit. The fact of the Tesla is, the VIN does not decode; Instead of being a standard number which can be used to deduce

Everyone assumes it’s going to be a pair of super-rich, but I can keep up hopes that the pair picked for it have spaceflight experience.. Specifically, if they’re both still alive, Buzz Aldrin and Michael Collins. Sending that pair around the moon again would be really trumpeting that we’re serious about this stuff

Yes it matters if you call them to voice your dissatisfaction. They have no idea how you voted. But senators are very responsive to how their constituents are feeling, and angry constituents blowing their phone off the hook will often change how they feel about something.

Soyuz 11 did not experience explosive decompression. It experienced a slow leak- rapid enough to kill the crew before they landed, but subtle enough that none of them knew it was happening.

That is a lot of the problem exactly, and explains why Americans are so selfish and have such an “I have mine, so F-you” attitude. They don’t see themselves as struggling to keep above water in their lot in life, they see themselves as “Temporarily Embarassed Millionaires” and so even the everage man on the street is

These are iconic 4x4's of Australia. The Jeep is an iconic 4x4, but not really in Australia. If this was a US event, I could see it having the CJ-5, Wrangler, Scout and Landcruiser, as those vehicles were common and icons here, but the only one of them that’s really an icon in Oz culture is the landcruiser.

Anyone who’s driven a car without back glass knows that it does shield you from some wind. (And also from passing out due to huffing your exhaust.) That said, I fall into the ‘back window’ camp.

What about people who aren’t self righteous bumpkins who live in the middle of a major metropolitan area. Maybe some people live where it’s dangerous to ride a bike (all the roads are 55+ mph) and they don’t have busses. (Why would Podunk, Nebraska, pop 975 have a bus?) Oh wait. Those people should all just move to

I’m sorry but I have to say Rey is in fact a mary sue. She shows every symptom. She knows how to fly the Falcon as well as Han despite having never piloted a starship (she never left Jakku by her own admission), she knows more about the Falcon than Han does. The same day she learns the force is not a myth, she

As a ZX driver, I gotta ask: did you ever drive a ZX? I'm genuinely curious. People hate on the car so hard, but the fact is, a 2 seater 280ZX weighs less than the 240Z, it has better torque numbers, a stiffer frame.. The suspension changed to semi-trailing arm, which is arguably not as good as the A-arm suspension of

I don’t see a rosy post-carbon future. I see a future wherein those who were well-to-do before the switch will be ‘society’ while everyone else will be pushed aside and discarded, in even more dire straits than they are now, with their fuel for cooking and heating and transport now discontinued or illegal. A perfect

As a fellow beetle driver, best I can tell is that it's often used because stock-purists at places like The Samba insist upon it because it looks stock. That "VW Engineers picked that and they know more than you," ignoring that new, high pressure FI line works fine with a carb and lasts longer. I re-hosed my own bug

That’s never explored. Throughout Terminator, Skynet only shows one facet humans can relate to, self-preservation. Outside of that, it’s left as a real AI super-intelligence would be, which is completely foreign, inscrutable, and one who’s motivations are completely unknown and unpredictable to the humans. Keep in

This list is awful. Most of the cars on here are older, and while they don’t have the blistering 0-60 quickness of a modern supercar, most of these cars had very respectable times for the day. Like the prowler. Everyone loves to hate it, but 0-60 in under 6 seconds, in the mid 90s, was more than respectable.

It’s not more exotic. “Elemental” hydrogen is hydrogen not bound in a molecule, as opposed to Molecular hydrogen.