You should try spiced rum and ginger ale together. It's almost like a cream soda. Delicious!
You should try spiced rum and ginger ale together. It's almost like a cream soda. Delicious!
I guess that's it. It's just such a noticeable difference to me. When I taste diet soda or anything sweetened with Splenda, it has such a chemical taste to it. It's as if I'm drinking soda mixed with Windex. More power to anyone who enjoys the stuff, I just find it to be awful.
I can understand someone drinking a lot of regular soda but I can't wrap my head around the diet soda craze. It tastes terrible. To me, anything that's artificially sweetened with aspartamine is gross. I don't understand how people can put splenda in their coffee either. Maybe it's an acquired taste?
It was Courtney who said it and I guess it was "Ignore the haters", but my point is that it seems to be this thing that people say anytime someone isn't supporting everything they decide to do.
When is this trend of shooting down every bit of constructive criticism with "Fuck the haters" going to end? If they're was ever a phrase that described that attitude of the most entitled, arrogant attitudes out there, that's it.
Looks like the exact opposite to me.
I actually laughed just like that when I saw that gif.
I don't think so because she appeared in another scene without Don and looked the same. Every one of these episodes are several weeks apart from each other.
Ok, so the girl in the picture is from Laguna Beach, but not the actual sun baby. I'm really glad we got that settled. Thanks for looking that up. I almost wanted to but decided against it at the last second.
Wasn't that girl on Laguna Beach? I'm about 99% sure that's her. I'm also 99% sure I feel like a weirdo that I even know that.
That's what I got out of it too.
Good for them. I'm really excited to hear a story out of Florida that doesn't involve sinkholes, cannibalism, or someone's nipples being twisted off.
I had that doll with the light up earrings too! I wish I had held onto it, it was one of my favorites.
Hot. Like her boys. : )
You should get rid of the burner and just make an actual account. I've read everything you've written here, and I can't imagine you not being a valued part of the community here or on any Gawker site. And that's not to say I have anything against burners but you just have such a clear and concise way of speaking to…
I have to admit, I don't know an awful lot about her politically. But I respect the hell out of her for dealing with these personal issues and then talking about them publicly.
They're now claiming that they've been hacked and they're working with law enforcement to find out who's behind it.
None of the above?