
Censorship.   Really ????     Did I Curse ?????

Goodell is a Filthy Rich Spoiled Brat who GETS OFF on overseeing the Cheerleaders get Sexually Groped and Sexually Exploited & treated like 3rd Class Citizens all while Getting paid SUB MINIMUM WAGE !!!   Rodge is a Complete Pig !!

There is no question Goodell was aware of these young girls getting stripped of their clothes & passports and did nothing but turn a blind eye.  Integrity is not in this mans DNA.   Rodge needs to be Fined and Suspended.

True Dat !!   Scumbag Goodell only cares about 1 thing,  $$$$$.  He has no Moral Ethics.  

Yo Dom,.......question,.....Why in the world are the reporters afraid to go after this Pompous Arrogant Commish ??? The Man turned a Blind Eye to the Skins Cheerleaders getting Stripped of their Clothes & Passports !!!! Rodge is a Horrific person. Why is Rodge above the league and the Law ??? Rodge needs to be Fined

Goodell is incapable of treating these woman like people. Under his dozen year tenure its been a Cespool of degrading them & groping & Sexual abuse. The man onbly cares about his precious Billionaire Owners & his new 200 Million Dollar Ninny he gets to Suck On to keep his Mouth Shut on the CTE Brain Trauma Dirt. You

Goodells Sexist policies towards these girls shows his True Character. They are Sexually Verbally Abused and Groped. What a man of Inegrity.

Goodells policies of turning a Blind Eye to these girls getting Verbally Sexually Abused and at times Groped shows his true character. No wonder his nickname is Mr. Integrity. Under Rogers Dozen year Tenure These girls are forced to keep their mouths shut and take it. Why is the League giving this man a 200 MILLION

Goodells policies of turning a Blind Eye & Wink Wink to these girls getting Verbally Sexually Abused and yes at times Groped make the Commish personally Responsible & personally Liable. The man has no Ethics.

Bailey Davis & Kristan Wares lawsuit against Goodell has Legs. These girls get paid next to nothing & are Sexually Abused verbally & yes sometimes Groped & told to shut up & keep mouths shut. Oh the Integrity of Roger Goodell !!!! Go get um Girls !!

In other NFL news,........Commissioner Goodell is still in Denial over the Billion dollar settlement the former players won in the CTE Brain Trauma Case...........Face it Rodge,........You Lost !!!!!!!..........Give the Damn $$$ to the guys who have Brain Bleeding you pompous Arrogant SOB !!!!!.... The league should

Face it Rodge,.......You Lost !!!!!........Give the men who won this suit the $$$$.........its been 4 Years !!!!.......Again Rodge, ......You Lost !!!!!!.......You Arrogant SOB.

Its been five years and Rodge still refuses to start cutting checks to those who won this case, some of the DYING from CTE. Goodell has 0 Integrity.

Rodge simply does not want to pay the $$$ even though the Suit was won. Goodell is a true Bottom Feeder. All he cares about is his new 200 MILLION dollar Ninny he gets to Suck Suck.

Rodge got his 200 MILION dollar Ninny to Suck on to keep his Mouth Shut on the CTE Brain Trauma Files. He does not like it when the subject is in the news. The guy has 0 Backbone.

No question Rodge is an Inspriration to all who disrespect our military. When rodge acts as a cheer leader to the players who kneel and go as far to say that he is Proud, The Commish is such a Class act.

Agree 100 %. This guy is a 102 old Redneck who does not give a damn about this poor girl.

The Stupid Ass Old School Redneck is still living in 1962. Back off our Weed !!!

200 Million to dance around tuff issues. Oh the Integrity.

Make no mistake about it. The only reason the NFL gave Rodge his 200 MILLION dollar Ninny to Suck on is to Buy his Silence on the CTE Brain Trauma Files. Every fan in world knows that.