
Chips hair has been growing mighty long... that usually means mid life crisis ;P

I assume it meant oncoming divorce because of Chip’s affair with Clint. Everyone thought it was Joanna having the affair or that Clint was in love with her, but that was just a crazy cover and everything is about to come out in the tabloids.

What???? You just don’t know how to handle your fixer upper. All you have to do is knock down every wall that doesn’t enclose a bedroom or bathroom, reroute all your home’s ducting, wiring, and plumbing, refinish the entire exterior, spend $20k on landscaping, shiplap, shiplap, shiplap, and you’re done. Easy peasy.

I have Rehab addict and the new Trading Spaces for my DIY fix.

Spending more time with the family. Isn’t that the excuse people give when there’s an impending scandal?

I think I speak for all owners of *actual* fixer uppers when I say, thank god.

Everyone’s real thought: Maybe they’re getting divorced.

Sorry, have to disagree. 20yrs old is still a kid. Big time.

This is a weird place for a rant about STIs. For all you know, she didn’t use a condom because the pregnancy was planned. Hell, it’s possible it was unplanned and she did use a condom.

Congrats to her! :) No snark here. I’ve seen enough gross comments against women on every media platform lately. Hope the pregnancy goes well and the bebe is healthy and happy.

Anyone who has seen even a few minutes of her recent forays into reality tv wouldn’t find it hard to believe the screw-up had everything to do with her and nothing to do with the production people.

I like that, in the same vein as the coffee pods, all the pizza in “The Good Place” appears to be Hawaiian.

I believe it’s going to Thursdays at 8:30, after Superstore (which is also a totally fun show!).

Are there any plans to move this show back to an earlier time slot? I can’t stay up late enough to watch a show at 10 PM. Some of us have to be to work in the morning.

End of Season 2 twist: the Good Place was actually created to torture Michael.

D’arcy Carden needs an Emmy. Frankly, everyone on that show needs an Emmy.

I love Tahani so much.

“Oh, he’s from Florida. Bad Place.”

Side note: I might legit be into Tahani.