
counterpoint: don’t!! we left these in the 90s and they need to stay there.

Ah McCain, the biggest hypocrite there is. She would attack Trump whenever he mocked her father, yet would quickly defend him every single time her father wasn’t involved.

By the time I was 16, I’d endured years of: misogynistic tirades from my father who called me a prostitute when I was in second grade (learned a new word that day!); ongoing paranoia from both my parents that I’d have sex despite not knowing what sex was at the time (lower elementary school); bullying at school from

Somebody get Karina Longworth on this, stat. It would be thirty, hour-long episodes, and it would be engrossing.

Ok, wow, the writers of SATC really have zero idea how to write about relationships. The only one happily married was Charlotte, and as a result the writers gave her the flattest story arc in the first movie.

I’m still kind of surprised they didn’t just make Samantha’s cancer come back, kill her offscreen, and proceed with this shitshow.

In case it hasn’t already been posted. The French Army is now trolling Trump:

As if France could give a fuck about shitty American wine.


Spoken like someone who doesn’t remember his presidency. The “losers” you speak of are people who lost the social safety net, lost protection from monopolies, lost the regulation of banks, and lost their union rights, all under Bill.

What the fuck did all of that pay for?

The Right had a fit when Obama took a nap on Sundays or when Michelle went on a day trip to New York. They would complain about tax payer funded vacations and photo ops disguised as work. Meanwhile, the Trumps spend thousands a month on their trips, extra security for all of Donald’s spawn and Donald’s weekly golf

Her half day in Cairo would’ve covered my disability costs for 6+ years.


I can’t lie, I will watch the hell out of this.  

Biles will show up in a tiger outfit and show them who’s boss again.

If you let the cats in, you might as well get rid of rhythmic gymnastics with the ribbons. Damn cats would never let a routine finish. 

As a lifelong pro wrestling fan, I am in full support of silly costumes and dressing up while performing feats of choreographed athleticism

Well it's a slippery slope, first they let in people in cat makeup, next they let in actual cats, and there's no way a person can compete with the graceful movements of a kitty

I’m just glad they are finally tackling the important issues in their sport.