
Redneck blackface.

I hope that this simple act has somehow sterilized them.

What about the faces stuck in the exhaust?

At this point, I am just glad he wasn’t shot.

What a shame. This pair would have given us so many quality memes.

The Y2K bug caught us here in Maine with our pants a bit sagging.

Let’s also not discount the advanced degree of difficulty of that move...I mean they’re somehow landing on one tiny hand...talk about aim!

gotta love the implicit assumption that groping is done for the purposes of attracting a person.

“There he is, ladies! Let’s get that sweet sexual assault money!!!”

I’ve been rewatcing things that I enjoy, so Parks and Rec and West Wing are in my rotation. I also find the Bravo shows to be mindlessly fun.

A pastel patina-covered Citroën DS, hiding in the shade.

Several commenters seem to be confused on which pronoun to use, even though your article used the correct pronoun. Should I go through and correct these people or should I just tell them to do a better job at reading articles?

Now playing

Matt, here’s a better video of the accident

He got all huffy.

The tub is full of tunas, as they are a natural mercury filter.

Older brother says hi.

The condoms “it won’t baby”.