
Oh dear, someones bitching at Cosmos too? I mean, honestly. I understand music, iPhones, movies, cars, etc... But Cosmos? Really dude? I've seen both and they're both amazing.
Sure, Carl Sagan says things in the most magical way and his quotes will go down in history forever. The cartoons for moments in the past in

If you're going to be pedantic, you might want to go to school for a few minutes and learn that an electric motor is, by definition an engine.

I also hate tall cats.

Fucks sake thats a rough looking 18 year old.

These are somewhat delightful—if only there was some way to compare the original paintings with the photos. That Taco Bell 12 Pack is making me hungry though...

You go through all that trouble to do your hair and you don't dye the roots? Girl, bye.

The landslide would destroy anything this side of a bunker! You're safer inside the house being pushed off it's foundations than a house crumbling around you...

-sips Lipton-

Call me suspicious, but my guess is the "threats" were more along the lines of trans supporters coming to the funeral rather than any harm to the family. The "threat" was people not letting them pretend they were having a funeral a son who died in a tragic accident because people would be there loudly proclaiming that

I know what you mean, but I doubt her parents will ever internalize that. Probably blame people who support trans people for putting the idea in her head

In a year so crammed with both cultural stasis and accelerated political mania that it resembled nothing else so

This is incredible.

The toy gun is disappearing? NERF guns are all the rage, inexpensive, cool, and fun. So much that BoomCo guns were made by the competition.

Nothing tops a Sears wish book.

They should leak it anonymously onto the piracy sites they hate so much. More than ever people need to be able to see this movie. If they don't release it at all, they make no money and the hackers win. If they leak it to the pirates, they make just as much no money, but the hackers ultimately lose.

Who knows how many of these casualties could have been prevented if the United States and its allies WERE using deadly weapons, especially in dense urban areas.

That's more of an ethical question, which falls outside my area of expertise. If it were me and I was certain it was happening, I'd consider tipping off the Feds. But it depends on your inclinations and personal circumstances.