Scantron Crothers

Is sixteen minutes to the first erroneous mansplaining a new record?

if you were to print it out, it would take up an entire football field

a 1080p AMOLED display instead of a pixel dense 2K screen

Heck, I freeze my sperm every time the McRib is back.

These flashlights are ubiquituous, under dozens of different brands. How does five for $22.90CAD ($4.58 each) sound?

These flashlights are ubiquituous, under dozens of different brands. How does five for $22.90CAD ($4.58 each) sound?

Other pop culture phenomena Fallon is totally on top of:

About 60 IQ points.

How’s the weather on planet Pointless Pedantry these days? I mean, maybe it’s more of a planetoid; frig, can an asteroid have an atmosphere capable of sustaining life? Not that a life of pedantry qualifies as ‘life’ really, and I didn’t mean to imply you literally live on another planet, anyway the joke was that most

I’m not a tree, yet I can see a a tree, and then a different tree, and say ‘look, another tree.’

Now playing

In a cinema, or with a loud enough home system, the mothership’s first HONK BLORRRRP is just such a joyous thing.

*buys expensive microscope, puts piece of dogshit on the slide*

I have a neGcon, made my dad bring it back from Japan on a business trip, along with a copy of Tekken 2 (which I had to swap-trick with careful timing to play). Best Wipeout controller, bar none.

Says more about us than it does about Prince, really.

Dude, they’re like...metric degrees. So it turns three times in a circle and then half of one and a little bit, so...it’s gonna walk that way, towards the 7-Eleven.

Man, we wish that Kindle cost the same as a loaf of bread in Zimbabwe.

Are you using pesos? Lira? A ‘large’ is a thousand.

Don’t forget their other drone barge, Just Read the Instructions.

...from a certain point of view.

Uncompressed 1080p video runs about 500 gigabytes an hour. Without audio.