Scantron Crothers
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I'm dating myself (it's okay, the sex is good), but for me: mother. flippin'. Sinistar. I was maybe six or eight years old, my parents would drop me off at the arcade with a roll of quarters after church. The first time I saw the game it was in one of those cool cockpit cabinets, it was new, so no one was playing it.

You don't need to have seen the movie, this thing stands alone perfectly well. But do yourself a favour and watch the movie when you're done.

That's what you sound like. To us. In the rest of the world.

You joke, but my cousin's half-realtor makes `*~$900 a potato~*' working from home with Google. It's how he paid for his 1997 Acura in grocery store coupons for free 68" plasma screens.

Boutros Boutros-Shepard.

What most people call a 'butter knife' is not a bread knife, serrated edge or not. They're called table knives.

Bone Drone.

Run, not walk, to Afraid of Baby!

Been using a Cronus on my PS3 to use a 360 controller for a while now, and I absolutely love it. I've also used it so that PS3 friends can use a DualShock on the 360 (you have to plug in a wired controller first, to authenticate, then you're good to go). No input lag, total no-brainer operation. You can even remap

What kind of fucking sissy can't get through a quarter-pound stick of butter before it goes rancid, covered, on a countertop.

And like that...he's gone.

Via Twitterer @getB3NT, behold the greatest error message on any video game console. "Because of your past behavior, you can't Xbox Live Gold is required to use Skype for Xbox One."

Where are you even getting this 'if' rule? It's nonsense. You arrive at work, soaking wet, coworker asks why you didn't bring an umbrella. Do you say 'I didn't know it was raining,' or 'I didn't know if it was raining?'

Not strictly true. The Vita has a camera, whether or not Philippe knew it did or not, so 'has' is also acceptable. Two separate clauses.

I could have done without the random Marcel Duchamp primer in the beginning, but it's still a damn sight better than what you normally hear on the news.

Cronus Device, and you're done. Been using a 360 controller on my PS3 since the day I got it. Added bonus, weirdos who actually prefer the DS3 can use it on my 360 when they come over.

I've already got my hate armour on, so I'm gonna say it, I don't get basketball. It looks like five-a-side table tennis to me. Small court, high scores, eh.

Dynamic Mesh.