
is any case of a white person wearing corn rows appropriation? This kind of confuses me, with people apologizing for getting cornrows while on vacation. I get that it’s a black hairstyle, but it’s also super practical. My hair gets frizzy and hard to manage a lot of the time, and I enjoy braiding my hair in a variety

You were young and it was expeditious. I spent summers battling frizz too and I always used products for black hair. I wouldn’t feel badly about it. You weren’t calling them catki86266 braids.

I almost. But it made me think of freedom fries. And freedom toast. Then I just got too hungry to go on.

I think you mean Reverse Freedom braid.

I love Yvette Nicole Brown’s response to this “trend” so I’ll just leave this here

Right. Shitty behaviour is shitty behaviour. We can’t use any individual person’s reaction to being catcalled as the metric for whether it’s wrong or no.

Actually, I think he’s completely woke. It is a double standard. No woman or man should be subject to catcalling.

I think this might actually be a statement about social plans like, if you don’t want to come to brunch just say so rather than maybe-ing everyone. But the choice to model it on a dude who looks pissed kind of messes with the optics and gives it that rapey flavor. Mmm spicy !

Huh. I read it completely differently. I read it as don’t let someone bully you into doing something you aren’t sure about. If you want to say no to the D, then for gosh sakes, say no.