40 years sounds about right
40 years sounds about right
I think that failure to post this video is actually a crime in 10 states.
The smallest library of games and a major loss of market ground to the Playstation is offset by some of the greatest games ever.
I don’t think any moment in my gaming life has ever topped the first time playing Mario 64 as a wee lad for the first time. Maybe FF7 or OoT, but Mario felt absolutely revolutionary. And it was.
Yep! They’re one of the best exercises you can do. I know I have them listed here for women, but push-ups are great for everyone.
Push-ups! For all of us lazies, who can’t (won’t) get to the gym and don’t have exercise equipment, a regular regimen of push-ups will do a lot for all sexes, body-types. Start with modified push-ups if can’t do a regular one, and just keep doing them most days of the week, and keep adding more reps when you can.
What if we’re already plenty broad?
If I were him I Cod care less what his excuse was, I’d leave him to Flounder. No amount of Saury will do.
She may have been the main/only reason that financing fell into place.
I get this feeling that Nintendo is going to have an amazing 2017. Betting all the chips that the NX will be the best console ever.
Or if you’re a retro hipster that likes VCR’s but still wants a modern console.
Really hope Nintendo pranks us all and is like “HERE ARE A BUNCHA ANNOUNCEMENTS!” this year. Otherwise I guess I’ll just play Zelda for a few days hours.
Do people find the manchild-husband/ballbreaking-wife dynamic funny? It always seems lame, as a comedy bit. As a personal arrangement it just seems...sad.
Yep - all my general health paranoia is magnified when the thought of putting something on top of my eyeball comes into the picture. No thanks, pass me some glasses.
@thisisnotmybeautifulcomment: @Vai Sikahe-man: If I was this guy I'd be carping about it too.
That tournament seems so soleless now...