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    The only thing TLJ loved more than Star Wars was the fan, whose shitty ideas and expectations based on decades of lore were shoved in their faces at every opportunity.

    You may not have noticed that a defeatist Luke essentially commits suicide after giving up on his former student and nephew as unreachable, taunting him even in his last moments after nearly murdering him in his sleep for doing nothing wrong. That he died alone and without companionship and it was probably what he

    You are correct. That’s how I felt watching TLJ.

    Agreed. Anyone bothered by this is a grievance seeker and can be safely disregarded. Sadly, such people are growing in number.

    There was no “punching at stereotypes”. He was saying his shooting is like someone with an illness. Just happens that illness is in the new right now. It was a lame attempt at topical humor. Nothing more, nothing less. I would go so far as to say anyone who is offended by this is unserious and should not be taken into

    I think you’re missing the point. That poor “quality of life” of these old titles is largely what MADE them difficult. By removing them, but being gentler, you absolutely make games easier. Take two games with identical “difficulty”. One of them gives infinite lives. The other only 3 lives with 3 continues. The one

    They look a lot alike. Facial structure, bald pate, emotional grit. I know a lot of people of all races who confuse these two.

    “To this day, no one has ever built a bridge over that ditch.”

    HAHA! It happens to me, too! On a side note, I still like to ejaculate! Because science!

    Fair enough, but this is quite obviously NOT racism. Do you even know what the word means?

    Blackface is awful. On that, I think we can all agree. But fuck, this is not blackface. People who call this blackface are ignorant. At worst this is potentially CONSIDERED blackface and that’s a fair reason to discuss it, but damn it, this is not blackface. Blackface is caricature, it’s demeaning, it’s exclusionary,

    This is awesome. It’s one of the reasons I could never play games like Modern Warfare. I always ALWAYS go off the path and in the MW games, you’re constantly stopped by bullshit road blocks or other barriers to keep you on the path. It’s rage inducing. If you can’t play a shooter at your own pace with your own style

    Roku streams and the side bar. But, as you say, they’re unobtrusive. Which is IMO, the way it should be. I think Roku should be held up as an example of how to do ad supported service the right way. And this article is shitting on them with dishonest reportage.

    Not to mention that much of the commentary in this article is ignorant and/or misinformation. Ex: “Heck, companies can even pay to take over the whole home screen.”

    The link takes you to a screen that describes themed home screens to choose if you like. There is no “company pays to take over your screen.”. It’s just a

    Then just watch VHS tapes on it and problem solved. You get exactly what you paid for. But if you want to use the free streaming service included with it, then have an ad here or there. It’s not abusive. It’s efficient. Don’t get me wrong, I know what you’re saying, and that’s why I use a plex server I’ve set up and

    They’re just ahead of their time. In 50 years, this may very well be another ideological divide in this country. It’s no crazier than things are now relative to even 25 years ago. Things that no one ever thought would be accepted in a million years are required thought now. Never say never.

    There is no justice in the world. So while we wait and rage for it that never comes, we achieve little. But if a person can forgive and move on, life can begin again. There are many wrongs in this world, racism chief among them.Neither rage nor forgiveness can fix it. But one of them is much easier on the human spirit

    I once had a 15 year old boy in my summer school class make me feel uneasy for what he put HIS finger on. Thankfully he didn’t turn out to be a 22 yo ukrainian national. That would have been particularly weird.

    I would fact-check before I tweeted out to the internet.”

    You’re 40 years old and just realizing that the shit gamers say online is nonsense and the vocal minority online is jack shit compared to the mass market who don’t piss and boycott for every perceived transgression or accusation. They just want a fun game at a fair price. Well, welcome to adulthood I guess. :)