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    It has everything to do with it. Read more carefully. I have faith in you.

    No, I’m there dad.

    It’s ironic because kids have been shown to completely ignore or intentionally bypass their security and training on smart phones. My kids school just sent out a notification to parents to PLEASE take away the phones in the evening because so many kids are coming to school tired and ill prepared because they are up

    Creepy stalker post right there. “Tell me more about the details of your kids technology” Yipes.

    You don’t know how maturity works. Reducing options while kids are immature is the correct way to handle it. You don’t say “Hey, give them a gun while they’re a kid so they’re ready when they’re adult, do you?” Of course not. You reduce the risk options until they are mature enough to handle them. Just like you don’t

    They are actually growing them. And I have 4 kids. No horns.

    Friend, you’re doing it right. But you are going against the culture. And the culture doesn’t like that. It shines a mirror on their inadequacies and they will seek to destroy you for it. Comments like “you can’t raise a kid in the 80s anymore” are very telling. They are simply people throwing up their hands. Culture

    It actually is pretty weak and lazy. If you had held off, you’d know that. Teaching your kids about dangerous apps (before they then almost universally ignore it) and setting up some safety measures takes a few minutes. Maybe 2 or 3 times. Keeping a smart phone out of your kids hands, and better yet, teaching them why

    Actually, there’s a fair amount of evidence to the contrary. Either you’re lying or your experience contradicts the norm.

    LOL, that iphone wasn’t free. You’re paying for it monthly. Get a better plan with more options so you know what you’re talking about.

    No, actually no one is suggesting that. Not a whole lot of sexting going on over refrigerators I think.

    Lol, nope.

    You said “internet safety protocols” and “kids” in the same sentence with no irony whatsoever. LOL

    1. Every other kid has a phone. Have them use a friends. It’s cheaper and easier than payphones ever were.

    “Xbox’s now-defunct Kinect”

    Livestrong. Yep, totally legit. Links are broken, lol.

    “The study....doesn’t speak to the health effects of red and white meat, which are more complicated than just the effect on LDL.”

    Just the response I expected. Because evidence for your position does not exist.

    I don’t know. How many ARE having bypass surgery? Do you have a statistic? I’d love to read it if you do.

    And I have done my research. But please, enlighten me. Respond with a link, just one that says GROUND HAMBURGER is the healthy equivalent of whole white breast chicken.

    Why continue to contradict yourself? Healthy is a continuum and the mainstay sandwich at CFA is irrefutably a better choice than the mainstay at McD and BK and Wendys. If you want to go down the menu and find healthier options to try to prove some other point, that’s great. But that is not what I’m talking about, or I