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    Actually, she pretty much does save him. She turns him on Snoke and gets him to kill......for her. Something he never had the nerve to do without her. Then he kills all of Snokes guards (who would have now been HIS guards btw) in a sweet superheroes teamup. And she miraculously wakes up first and waltzes off the ship

    I think female heroes are nearly impossible to write right now. At least if you want the movie to be viewed favorably by critics. There’s a huge amount of baggage with female characters. There’s so much pressure to make them “strong” and “capable” so that they compare to men that they are rarely ever written as

    I agree. But I will add that one thing I’ve learned by lurking some TLJ fan forums is that some people actually see subversion as an end itself. Such that doing it is success regardless of the story outcome. There are people who genuinely applaud the “direction” TLJ went even though that direction is quite obviously a

    Not so much a red herring as a GOTCHA! The movie was nothing but gotcha moments. It’s like RJ crafted a scene, thought about how people expected it to develop and then made sure not to. I’ve listened to many interviews of the guy and it is clear that his singular most important element in writing and directing is

    I didn’t say it was GOOD action. But, I mean, there’s a big space battle with incredibly slow moving bombers that for some reason need to get directly “above” their targets in space getting shredded like paper by tie fighters, Hux gets tossed around alot. Rose and Finn ride giant dog ponies through a casino, Leia

    My biggest disappointment was that the story didn’t progress. The characters didn’t progress. Everything is in the exact same state it was at the beginning of TFA. We have a super powerful Rey, an emo Kylo, no Luke and a First Order in control. Nothing has changed. No development. Just action and travel and fluff.

    Yes, anyone who thinks that RJ invented some “force belongs to no one” idea hasn’t been paying attention. The only reason these movies stick to the skywalkers is because this is their story.

    I’m more concerned about the guns and loot. BL2 was a crapfest of whites and greens with the best guns tied to bosses and golden keys. BL1 would drop oranges in crates and you’d see a purple nearly every game session. You might play BL2 20 times and never see a purple drop in nature. Succckkkkeeedddd.

    I appreciate your understanding.

    If that’s your takeaway. So be it. Sorry for any rudeness on my part. I’m honestly trying to stay away from internet arguments from now on.

    Sounds like we don’t have an argument. Which is good because I’m giving up internet arguments. I think you are a good person and don’t want to be in a fight with you about something. Peace be with you.

    What an amazing story. Thank you so much for this.

    Saw the movie. It was good. But I don’t remember her bending over so much.

    “when comic book movies were still goth-industrial, campy, or some unsightly combination of the two.”

    Purposes are not inherently subjective. Quite the contrary. Purposes are objective. I mean, if your misunderstanding is that fundemental, I’m honestly not sure you should read the sources I cited. They assume a basic understanding of language and the scientific method. Something you keep stumbling on. And I have yet

    I agree. Things don’t need a purpose. I have thrown no fits. I’m just educating a keyboard warrior. I believe information should be shared. It’s important to squash ignorance where it is found And your comments are full of it. I’m just doing my part to help you.

    I didn’t start an argument. I made a comment that was not to you and didn’t have anything to do with you. I am not offended in the least. And for some reason you felt the need to demonstrate a complete lack of knowledge or understanding of the subject matter with false statements and lazy straw men. That’s textbook

    I’m bad a trolling. Ok, sure. You’re pretty good at it. There we go.

    There is no contradiction if you actually know what the words mean in a scientific context. I think that is the problem. Your knowledge base is too limited.

    I already get it.