
Yes, it will baby! It has baby seat anchors in the passenger seat and an airbag off switch. My daughter (now 2 years old) has ridden in my NC multiple times. She loves it!

I would buy a manual Odyssey. So, going by this thread, Honda would sell at least 2 of them. Sounds like a good return-on-investment to me.


I bought my 2012 Mazda5 used with about 32K miles. Quality is OK. I had a leaky drivers side axle seal replaced under warranty. 2nd gear grinds in the first to second shift approximately 2% of the time (no matter how smoothly or slowly you shift). The driver's side sliding door sticks on very cold mornings. So

I'm 6'2" and the driving position fits like a glove. My boss, on the other hand, is 6'3" and his knees make contact with the dash in the passenger seat.

It's a 2012, so yes. I actually prefer the looks of the first gen over mine.

Same here! The Miata gets the garage and my 5 sleeps outside.

I'm 6'2" and the driving position fits like a glove. However, my boss is 6'3" and his knees contact the dash in the passenger seat.

Much like the Flex, I really wish it would have been offered as a manual. Yes, I would have been one of three people to purchase it - but it would have been glorious.

Pretty sure that's a Lambo, dude.

I am not a fan of these auto shifters that look deceptively like manuals.

That's a really good looking shifter.

You just created in me a desire for the EX37. I had no idea these things were RWD.

Looks like e-tronic flappy paddle or whatever Audi is calling it these days. Not a true gated manual.

I think it's safe to say Porsche still gets enthusiasts.

This thing is butt ugly. Also, how the fuck is this supposed to be a sports car? It looked downright gargantuan in the Super Bowl commercial.

The only cars that I wouldn't take with a manual are any that have a super quick-revving engine (e.g. Ferrari 458, Lexus LFA, etc.). I think everything else is more fun with a stick. To each their own I guess.

Although similar in size and driving characteristics, I think the audiences are slightly different for Toyobaru and Miata. I bet the Toyobaru twins appeal to a younger demographic and the Miata appeals to a bit older demo. I don't see a very strong sales correlation or market share interaction between the two. Plus

My brother and I fell in love with this car when we saw it debut at the Detroit auto show. I was around 7 years old and remember being completely awestruck by it. Looked like a car from the future.

I would have strongly considered the Ford Flex if it could be optioned with a manual. I ended up going with a Mazda5 instead (another vehicle that wasn't selling well before Mazda ended production).