
Well, No. they were banished English criminals. We were started by people escaping religious persecution although yes Georgia did come around a little later. Now as far as colonial violence goes do you think human society would be where it is today if we just left the Indians alone and stayed upon the soon to be

Well to begin your using the POLISH as your source of credibility, instead of the Vatican. Send a query about this article to Rome and i'm certain they will give you the Church's official statement about pedophilia and not what the POLISH archdiocese feels about it.

Yes we were. And we can because we have the Biggest stick on the block and can erase any of y'all at our whim. Now quit throwing rocks at the 800# gorilla and go back to bullying New Zealand.

Australia you were started by a bunch of criminals, who are you to complain about violence to anyone.

What violence? I'm more shocked that no one's criticizing the fact that they are using a porn star as their spokeswoman. oh wait I see buzzfeed at least mentioned the fact.

its sad that we can only get this cereal once a year now from general mills. I love me some count chocula.

This is why our correctional system will never go away. Stupid People.

So a man defending himself at the jets game, once twenty years ago killed someone. well I guess she got off lucky then.

Yea, but the question is from which one of his entourage did he receive it from?


Girl hit with fist in Joisey, for a moment there I thought snooki was at the game.

Hey isn't that targeting?

Really, well I NEARLY slept with a couple porn stars tonight, and nearly won the lottery....(I could go on for a while) saying nearly is the equivalent to horseshoes&handgrenades.


And that draft position continues to crumble.

Well there goes the football moniker. Now its Johnny wont play hurt.

This is nothing but the further Pussification of college football. For chrissakes just give them flags already.

that's cause she's a maverick

Wonder if Kim's ass comes with a back up beeping noise.