
Yes, Fuck you guns for helping us defeat the nazis, japs and mussolinni in ww2 . Fuck you guns for helping protect south korea and stopping the spread of communism. Fuck you guns for helping drive the brittish out of our soon to be country. FUCK YOU GUNS.

you would have to text CoCo and ask her?

Ice-T said it best in a tweet of his "if you wanna keep a man happy, make sure his stomach is full and his balls are empty". I might be paraphrasing a bit.

So is she actually going to stay with Him?

I forget where , but on one of the walls of a mission is a giant drtawing of one of the Mist of Panderia's Pandas.

that and try to find someone who has a infinty shield you can dupe

I would suggest going thru the giant crab a couple times to level up to 70 then go do secret armory and robot rev.

Don't know about elsewhere in the U.S. but HOA's in Georgia REALLY are that bad here.

I always considered this movie as so Epic Fail that it is WIN.


Well I'm suprised it was only 44 pages, kinda a rip-off for $3 . Thing is , No self-respecting man wants a stripper as a mate. That's just a giant ball of crazy no guy wants to deal with. There are no good guys who take advantage of women for a few years so he can better love his mate, those are Douchebags and always

Now she just needs to book Kim K and show her what a true actress/comedienne can accomplish.

well this is gizmodo b/c Mtv don't play videos any more just jersey shore.

wonderful story sean, now see if you can get jezebel to run it on their page.(snicker)

One Gazillion dollars. U.S. curency.

That or a Great Porn set location. #JustSayin

Can we start w/ Sarah Palin, Michelle Malkin, Ann Coulter, all the on-air female talent at Faux News. You did say expendable right?