
Yeah, when BoP is in play, even a huffy can compete.

Of course they’ll be pissed by a Virtual Console Melee! They’ll have to use properly functioning controllers! *thehardestofeyerolls*

FIA needs to amend the rule book for this year’s running:

I was involved in SAE Supermileage, I feel that I learned more about applying engineering there than in any class I took. I highly recommend any SAE Collegiate event.

Came here to preach Formula (and Baja)...thanks for beating me to it. I don’t think you understand us. Next you’ll be asking us to talk to females for recreation.

Was on FSAE team. Trained new members. Can confirm.

Too soon.

I’m pretty sure Alanis needs a sportbike.

Edge of Tomorrow: 2 Edge 2morrow.

Death of a Salsman

And if she hadn’t, what then? “Now opening: Jalopnik Internship Opportunities”?

I am pleased to say that having survived this experience, our Alanis has graduated from freelance weekend editor to full-time staff writer. Join me in saying congrats! You’ll be seeing a lot more of her work and derring-do come mid-May.

This is good news. I was just thinking about Spec Ops: The Line this morning. It’s one of the few military themed shooters I’ve played, and the only one I completed. Years later the experience still rattles around in my head.

Dude, SatM is still fantastic, got cancelled WAY before its time...I still get terrified when I remember Sonic’s nightmare of Robotized Sally.