OMGits another burner

Your logic isn’t necessary wrong, its just terribly naive. You were born and raised in the most powerful country the world has ever seen. Your job consists of finding already written news articles, and then putting a spin on them on the internet. Something 60% of the world can’t even access. You get paid more than the

I know right? I can’t believe people still eat these

But you’re the type of person who puts an academic credential in a Kinja name, so the rest of us will take our grain of salt now.

I liked them.

I love my XDM! It won’t lose its place in my stable anytime soon. Grip, ergonomics, simplicity and high capacity make it a winner in my book.

Agreed. How are they going to explain her making the biggest, most cowardly mistake in the galaxy and not getting killed by Ren and Snoke for it? She’s a joke.

And hooker lips. Any sort of intimidation he was supposed to have, evaporated when he removed his helmet and brandished those red, puffy, wet mouth-sausages.

I swear that I’d never seen Adam Driver’s face before that first promotional shot of Kylo Ren with his mask off. I swore then, too. “Oh God! Put it back on!”

I’ve never seen an actor more perfectly suited for a part that requires wearing a mask. Let’s hope that Kylo Ren suffered Vader-like injuries and remains either

I always thought it was hilarious that nobody ever pointed out to Qui-Gon, as he was going on about how Anakin was to bring “balance” to the Force, that it didn’t necessarily mean it would be in favor of the Light. In fact, in a time of relative peace and democracy with an obviously strong Light side, “balance” would

Did someone say Down Low?

im surprised they haven’t made salamander penis soup yet

Oh for fucks sake, you got caught and are now just dancing around saying “nu uh, I mean it can be linked to cancer, but I’d rather them have kids with special needs”. Are you fucking kidding me? Is that supposed to be better? Did someone more successful than you do something that you feel wronged you to take such an

“defending your moronic assertions”

You are insecure because the fact that someone else has money makes you call them an “asshole”. People can only be assholes because of what they actually do, not because of the way their wealth, or lack or wealth, makes you feel. However the fact you decided to use that word about someone else because of your

Bet you still make minimum wage as a barista or some other dead end job....

Class envy much? Go be poor somewhere else....

And i wish people would stop doing repost from Reddit that gets reposted by them. This is turning into a pretty boring repost of a repost type of site... cant say how many times I’ve seen things on Reddit only to appear a few hours later here on Kotaku.

More just a curious poll, but does anyone else find her sort of insufferably pretentious?

And if Germany were so great, they would have invented those things there instead of coming here to do it.

Damn right it was. The hate for Crystal Skull cracks me up. People bitch the same corniness that made the first and third movies so good.