But you’re the type of person who puts an academic credential in a Kinja name, so the rest of us will take our grain of salt now.
I love my XDM! It won’t lose its place in my stable anytime soon. Grip, ergonomics, simplicity and high capacity make it a winner in my book.
Did someone say Down Low?
And i wish people would stop doing repost from Reddit that gets reposted by them. This is turning into a pretty boring repost of a repost type of site... cant say how many times I’ve seen things on Reddit only to appear a few hours later here on Kotaku.
More just a curious poll, but does anyone else find her sort of insufferably pretentious?
And if Germany were so great, they would have invented those things there instead of coming here to do it.
Damn right it was. The hate for Crystal Skull cracks me up. People bitch the same corniness that made the first and third movies so good.
Wasn’t that the prequels?
All I see here is evidence making him one of the best
You’re so cool!
You may be happy to know it wasn’t funny before you explained it and made it less funny, swing and a miss. They all can’t be gold.
Lighten up, Francis.
I like cast iron but for most instances this is the superior pan. I am digging the revival of the old iron but the hispters gotta lay off, its not the end-all of cooking.
I like cast iron but for most instances this is the superior pan. I am digging the revival of the old iron but the…
Tim, are you stupid or something? The title of the article clearly said Holly Holm “has no prayer.” You can’t just take one line out of context and then pretend it changes the whole meaning of the article. You dumb fuck.
That would’ve been a totally reasonable take.
You don't have a door? Lazy bastards should have just put it inside
Callers must’ve been young ‘uns, when i was growing up, this was normal in every station wagon, before people and their new fangled minivans.
Likely secret Nazi/Nip alien tech.